Gamasutra – The History of Civilization
Gamasutra is proud to be partnering with the IGDA's Preservation SIG to present detailed official histories of each of the first ten games voted into the Digital Game Canon. The Canon "provides a starting-point for the difficult task of preserving this history inspired by the role of that the U.S. National Film Registry has played for film culture and history", and Matteo Bittanti, Christopher Grant, Henry Lowood, Steve Meretzky, and Warren Spector revealed the inaugural honorees at GDC 2007. This latest piece follows the carrer of industry icon Sid Meier as he established himself as one of the most important contributors to PC gaming with the iconic turn based strategy epic Civilization

Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality | Petunia married a professor, and Harry grew up reading science and science fiction. is an authorized mirror of Less Wrong‘s / Eliezer Yudkowsky‘s epic Harry Potter fanfic-in-progress, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

Netanyahu finally speaks his mind | The Times of Israel
At his Friday press conference, the prime minister ruled out full Palestinian sovereignty, derided the US approach to Israeli security, and set out his Middle East overview with unprecedented candor. His remarks were not widely reported; they should be

Twitter User Stats Crackdown – Business Insider
Twitter has taken the unusual step of shutting off its datapipe to certain companies that have published their own stats on how big Twitter's user base really is, according to two sources. The move comes after Twitter's stock was hammered in the early part of the year when investors discovered growth in monthly active users (MAUs) was slowing or stagnant, and that measures of engagement per user were on the decline.

Fontblog | FontShop schließt sich Monotype an
Wohow: "Der heu­ti­ge Tag ist weg­wei­send in der 25-jäh­ri­gen Ge­schich­te von Font­Shop, der wich­tigs­te seit un­se­rer Grün­dung. Das US-Schrif­ten­haus Mo­no­ty­pe über­nimmt die Un­ter­neh­mens­grup­pe von Font­Shop In­ter­na­tio­nal. Zu dem er­wor­be­nen Paket ge­hö­ren, neben der Fir­men­zen­tra­le in Ber­lin, die Font­Font-Schrif­ten­bi­blio­thek, der US-Ver­triebsa­b­le­ger in San Fran­cis­co (fontshop.​com), sowie die deut­sche Fi­lia­le Font­Shop AG."

The Olympic City
The Olympic City is an ongoing documentary photography project by Jon Pack and Gary Hustwit that looks at the legacy of the Olympic Games in former host cities around the world. Hosting the Olympics has become a way for a city to show itself off on an international stage and generate toursim dollars, and cities spend millions or billions for the privilege. But after the events are over, the medals have been handed out, and the torch is extinguished, what’s next? What happens to a city after the Olympics are gone?