Tag: Games
Links van 26 juni 2018 tot 28 juli 2018
Adobe Flash’s Gaming Legacy — Thousands upon Thousands of Titles — and My Efforts To Save ItAllow me to summarize. In less than two years from the time of this article, hundreds of thousands of games are likely to disappear from the internet, forever. Simply no longer playable. Hundreds of millions of views, likes, 5-star…
Links van 12 augustus 2016 tot 26 september 2016
Planetfall 2 prototype : Infocom : Free Download & Streaming : Internet ArchiveDon’t get your hopes up: this is a very early prototype from the cancelled sequel to Infocom’s classic text adventure. It’s barely playable, though it does provide an interesting look at how the game would have played with a realtime 3D engine. The…
Links van 24 maart 2016 tot 28 maart 2016
Why is David Cameron so silent on the recapture of Palmyra from the clutches of Isis? | Voices | The IndependentIn the end, it was the Syrian army – and its Hizballah chums from Lebanon, and the Iranians, and the Russians – who drove the Isis murderers out of Palmyra So You Wanna Be a Chef—…
Links voor 25 januari 2015
Holy Shit, I Interviewed the President — MediumLegacy media isn’t mocking us because we aren’t a legitimate source of information; they’re mocking us because they’re terrified. Their legitimacy came from the fact that they have access to distribution channels and that they get to be in the White House press pool because of some long-ago…
Links van 18 januari 2015 tot 23 januari 2015
How the CIA made Google — MediumThe inside story of Google’s rise, revealed here for the first time, opens a can of worms that goes far beyond Google, unexpectedly shining a light on the existence of a parasitical network driving the evolution of the US national security apparatus, and profiting obscenely from its operation. New…
Links van 30 september 2014 tot 3 oktober 2014
The Interactive Fiction CompetitionThe games of the 2014 Interactive Fiction Competition are ready for judging! Anyone can be a judge: just play and rate at least five games before November 15. A history of the They Might Be Giants song Birdhouse in Your Soul.For many of us, the world is a bit scarier than it…
Links van 14 juli 2014 tot 18 juli 2014
Gamasutra – The History of CivilizationGamasutra is proud to be partnering with the IGDA's Preservation SIG to present detailed official histories of each of the first ten games voted into the Digital Game Canon. The Canon "provides a starting-point for the difficult task of preserving this history inspired by the role of that the U.S.…
Links voor 19 juni 2014
Moving product recommendations from Hadoop to Redshift saves us time and money | Monetate Engineering BlogWe’ve demonstrated the ease with which we can transition one of our legacy MR jobs to pure SQL running against Redshift. Not only was this a neat problem to solve, but it will end up lowering the cost of our…
Links van 13 mei 2014 tot 18 mei 2014
The death of the homepage in one simple graphSo it’s an odd thing when you’ve been saying something for years and nobody believes you, then suddenly, someone publishes one leaked graph, and overnight all the world agrees with you: The homepage is dead. And still they’ve got it wrong. Gamasutra – The Cabal: Valve’s Design…
Links van 3 mei 2014 tot 13 mei 2014
Joshua Sortino — 14 Things Learned Designing at DisqusDisqus is now used on millions of websites and is served to billions (with a "b") of unique users every month. Here are some of the lessons I learned while helping design the "web's community of communities." Fairy ChessA fairy chess piece or unorthodox chess piece is…
Links van 21 april 2014 tot 23 april 2014
Game Programming PatternsDo you struggle to make your code hang together into a cohesive whole? Find it harder to make changes as your codebase grows? Feel like your game is a giant hairball where everything is intertwined with everything else? Wonder if and how design patterns apply to games? Hear things like “cache coherency” and…
Links van 30 maart 2014 tot 6 april 2014
Jimmy Carter is ‘radioactive,’ and NYT makes sure of it!Jimmy Carter has been exiled from mainstream political life, and the Democratic Party, because of his position on one subject, Palestine. When he said that Israel practices apartheid, back in 2006, he was paddled by Wolf Blitzer, Al Franken and Terry Gross. Now Israeli officials use the…
Links van 12 januari 2014 tot 13 januari 2014
Google stabs Wikipedia in the front • The RegisterHowever, since Google rolled out Knowledge Graph, something interesting happened. Visits to Wikipedia had previously risen steadily year-on-year for a decade. Towards the end of the 2012 this trend not only stalled, but went into an unprecedented decline. According to Wikipedia's own stats, the page views for…
Links van 24 december 2013 tot 25 december 2013
Why I won’t be using Google In January — MediumThe story's all over the Internet— and if you’re the type of person to read a Medium article explaining why someone’s boycotting Google, you’re probably already familiar with it. The gist is as follows: RapGenius offers incentives to blog-posters to add links about Justin Bieber to…
Links van 15 december 2013 tot 16 december 2013
nsa-backdoor/nsa-backdoor.php at master · aaronjorbin/nsa-backdoorGrin. "Description: Make it easy for the NSA to have admin access to your site" A Great Old-Timey Game-Programming Hack – Tom Moertel’s BlogThis was in the 8-bit PC era, so the gaming hardware was almost impossibly slow by today’s standards. It might not surprise you, then, to learn that, back…