Fable at 20: a uniquely British video game with a complex legacy | Games | The Guardian

In 2004, Fable was as famous for what it didn’t deliver as for what it did. But this Python-esque fantasy game deserves to be remembered for more than that.

Trove of dinosaur fossils found high in B.C. mountains | CBC News

Paleontologist Victoria Arbour says her team has found the ‘mother lode of fossils’. It’s unclear exactly what species the fossils belong to, but officials say that either way, a discovery like this one helps scientists better understand the history of the land. 

Human and animal skin identified by palaeoproteomics in Scythian leather objects from Ukraine | PLOS ONE

Leather was one of the most important materials of nomadic Scythians, used for clothing, shoes, and quivers, amongst other objects. However, our knowledge regarding the specific animal species used in Scythian leather production remains limited. In this first systematic study, we used palaeoproteomics methods to analyse the species in 45 samples of leather and two fur objects recovered from 18 burials excavated at 14 different Scythian sites in southern Ukraine. Our results demonstrate that Scythians primarily used domesticated species such as sheep, goat, cattle, and horse for the production of leather, while the furs were made of wild animals such as fox, squirrel and feline species. The surprise discovery is the presence of two human skin samples, which for the first time provide direct evidence of the ancient Greek historian Herodotus’ claim that Scythians used the skin of their dead enemies to manufacture leather trophy items, such as quiver covers. We argue that leather manufacture is not incompatible with a nomadic lifestyle and that Scythians possessed sophisticated leather production technologies that ensured stable supply of this essential material.

Who Has Claim? 3,000 Years of Religion in the Land Between | by Lyman Stone | In a State of Migration | Medium

Israel and Gaza are at it again in a war. This post is not about that war. This post does not answer what rules for use of force Israel should use, what the appropriate legal standards for indigeneity determinants are, or anything like that. This post explores one straightforward question: what is the population history of religious groups in… … well, what do we call this area?

How to pick more beautiful colors for your data visualizations – Datawrapper Blog

Choosing good colors for your charts is hard. This article tries to make it easier.


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