Leningrad’s Lost Photographer
Russian Masha Ivashintsova (1942-2000) photographed constantly but never showed her work to anyone. In late 2017, a relative stumbled on boxes of negatives and undeveloped film gathering dust in an attic. Published below, some for the first time, are some of the 30,000 images from the remarkable discovery.

(492) The STEAM renaissance: Guy A. Boy at TEDxSugarLand – YouTube
Guy Boy is an engineer and cognitive scientist, studying life-critical artifacts in our modern societies. He actively contributed to the design and evaluation of cockpits, control rooms and other interfaces to complex dynamic systems. He tries to close the gap between technology, organizations and people. He worked on the shift from three- to two-crew-men cockpits, the control of orbital refueling system of the Space Shuttle, space robotics, air traffic management, nuclear power plant control and management, car driving, telecommunication network monitoring and model-based respiratory assistance.

Data visualization with react-vis – Shyianovska Nataliia – Medium
React-vis is a React visualization library created by Uber. With it you can easily create common data visualization charts, such as line, area, bar charts, pie and donut charts, tree maps and many more.

‘Blockchain’ is meaningless – The Verge
‘You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means’

Into the Breach: User Interface design | Rock, Paper, Shotgun
Into the Breach is a tactics game from the developers of FTL about taking a team of three mechs into battle against giant bugs in a last-ditch defence of Earth’s cities. Rich with different strategies to master and challenges to vanquish, it’s deep, complex and “near-perfect”. And yet Ma says that he and Davis spent half of the four years the game took to make on… its UI. Its UI! The truth, however, is that the UI is a big part of what makes Into the Breach great, even though it also ended up transforming its very nature.


Eén reactie op “Links van 8 maart 2018 tot 10 maart 2018”

  1. Pieter vancauwenberghe avatar
    Pieter vancauwenberghe

    In de Muide stierf vorig jaar Lucien Bogaert. De wijkfotograaf die plaatselijk buurtwerk tienduizenden foto’s achterliet. Een zeer divers archief dat door vrijwilligers wordt gesorteerd. Op erfgoeddag (of op afspraak) te bezichtigen! Voorsmaakje op facebook van Pieter vancauwenberghe (buurtwerk) bij foto’s -albums-lucien Bogaert archizf