Links van 9 november 2017 tot 10 november 2017

IBM Type
Thanks for your interest in IBM Plex, IBM’s new corporate type family. IBM Plex is open source, and should be used by IBMers for all typographical situations, replacing Helvetica Neue, whenever possible.

Why This Fungus Has Over 20,000 Sexes – D-brief
One species of fungi, Schizophyllum commune, really shines when it comes to gender diversity. The white, fan-shaped mushroom has more than 23,000 different sexual identities.

Skyrim rendered in text – Filip Hracek – Medium
I decided some time ago to create a text-based Skyrim. That sounds overly ambitious at first, but as I developed the story and the game’s mechanics, I discovered its basic elements: a sword & sorcery game in a living, simulated world that is presented as a Choose Your Own Adventure (CYOA) book. The idea has already brought a short game into the world, Insignificant Little Vermin, which I submitted to this year’s IFCOMP.

The neuroscience of no regrets: why people still support Brexit and Trump | Science | The Guardian
Essentially, asking people “Do you still support Brexit/Trump?” in such the volatile, impassioned, confusing environment we currently find ourselves in is likely to be perceived as “Do you think that you and everyone you agree with is wrong, and your hated enemies are right?” And who’s going to say yes to that?

Leegloop handelspanden: “Cijfers zonder context zeggen niets” (schepen Peeters)
"Met cijfers zonder duiding kan je niets", repliceert de schepen. "Gent heeft een leegstandspercentage van 8,6%, minder dan het Vlaams gemiddelde en lager dan de 12,2% in Antwerpen, die andere Vlaamse grootstad. Gent loopt helemaal niet leeg, integendeel. Ons handelscentrum is kerngezond." Peeters begrijpt niet waarom de cijfers niet beter geduid zijn. "Tussen 2008 en 2016 nam de leegstaande winkeloppervlakte toe met 10.000 m2, maar er kwam in die periode wel in totaa l 60.000 m2 bij. Dat is een stijging met maar liefst 50.000 m2", beklemtoont de schepen. "Bovendien verbouwen in Gent heel wat winkeleigenaars een bestaand pand, wat ook voor leegstand zorgt. Er wordt in de aangehaalde cijfers geen onderscheid gemaakt tussen het stadscentrum en wijken in bijvoorbeeld de 19de eeuwse gordel." Dat de cijfers niet in perspectief worden geplaatst, stoort de schepen. "Ik heb de indruk dat men telkens de cijfers kiest die de premisse moeten bewijzen dat het een ramp is in Gent. Andere cijfers zwijgt men dan weer dood."

‘Pretty gruesome’: giant coconut crab seen hunting birds | Science | The Guardian
The crab climbed a tree and attacked the seabird in its nest situated on a branch close to the ground. The crab broke the bird’s wing, causing it to fall out of its nest and then took to the bird with its claws, breaking its other wing and leaving it incapacitated. Once the bird was unable to move, other coconut crabs arrived and pulled the bird apart in scenes Laidre described as “pretty gruesome”.

China’s Race to Find Aliens First – The Atlantic
As America has turned away from searching for extraterrestrial intelligence, China has built the world’s largest radio dish for precisely that purpose.