Bras in Space: The Incredible True Story Behind Upcoming Film Spacesuit | The Credits.
Instead, pitted against the military-industrial complex, Playtex created the 21-layer spacesuit, each layer distinct yet interrelated in function to the rest of the whole—a masterly combination of elegance, complexity, and form. Where the military contractors created cybernetic, armor-like suits (that failed, and failed again), Playtex’s vision was one of crucial softness, world class stitching, and perfect design. Traditional engineering firms could not figure out how to meet all the mission requirements and create a functioning suit that would keep the Apollo astronauts alive. The seamstresses at Playtex, with their years of experience fashioning girdles and bras, could, and did.

Zero to 95,688: How I wrote Game Programming Patterns –
About an hour ago, in the quiet of my living room, alone except for a sleeping dog next to me, I accomplished the biggest goal of my life. I finished writing Game Programming Patterns. It’s a book on game programming (it would be a weird title for a book ornithology) that I started writing about four years and a lifetime ago.

WarmPlace.Ru. Virtual ANS Spectral Synthesizer
Virtual ANS is a software simulator of the unique Russian synthesizer ANS – photoelectronic microtonal/spectral musical instrument created by Russian engineer Evgeny Murzin from 1938 to 1958. Murzin named his invention in honour of the composer Alexander Nikolayevich Scriabin.

Facebook buys smartphone fitness-tracking app Moves
Facebook may already be tracking your usage to serve you ads, but how would you feel if it was able to log your movement? That's exactly what could be on the cards after the company confirmed it's bought Moves, the fitness-tracking app that records your daily activities using your smartphone.

10 reasons to switch to ggplot | Mandy Mejia
There are a lot of R users out there who are resistant to switching from base graphics to ggplot, and while there are some legitimate downsides and probably settings where it doesn’t make sense, for most users I believe it’s well worth the time and effort required to get started with ggplot. I mean, the New York Times thinks so! So for all those doubters (or newbies) out there, here goes my best shot at convincing you that switching to ggplot is worth the effort.