Yes! Yes! Yes! Het werd verdorie tijd!

Gore blasts Bush’s war plans 
[de link gaat naar Salon Premium, dat te betalen is, maar echt de moeite waard]
The former vice president takes the gloves off, saying Bush has squandered the world’s goodwill, is failing to focus on the war on terrorism and could be creating a global “reign of fear.”
With Congress already debating a resolution that would allow a U.S. invasion of Iraq, former Vice President Al Gore warned Monday that unilateral military action to topple Saddam Hussein would divert the nation from the more crucial war on terrorism, possibly increase the threat from Iraq, anger the rest of the world and saddle the staggering American economy with a huge war bill.

Magnifiek, fantastisch, groots, ongelooflijk, woorden schieten mij tekort. Leve Gore!