Links van 27 oktober 2014 tot 31 oktober 2014

Weber’s Germany: The Veterinarian Totalitarian – Alternate History Discussion Board
“When we train an animal we speak to it in human tongue and treat it as though it was human – to reasonable extents. We use words as our first recourse and violence as our last. Convince an animal it is human and it will follow our commands to the death. The Slavic peoples will never make achievement and their lands will never prosper without the firm hand of the Germanic people at their leash. As we train our hounds and our bullocks and our horses, so too must they be trained to accept their servitude.”

Deinocheirus: The “Terrible Hands” Finally Get a Body. And it’s WEIRD.
The most important lesson may be that dinosaurs are going to continue to surprise us. As Lee and coauthors write at the end of their paper, “The discovery of the original specimen almost half a century ago suggested that this was an unusual dinosaur, but did not prepare us for how distinctive Deinocheirus is—a true cautionary tale in predicting body forms from partial skeletons, even for animals in which the relationships are known.”

Why we retired the feedly URL shortener | Building Feedly
As part of the feedly web and mobile 24 update, we retired the feedly URL shortener. It felt like the right thing to do for users and makes us a better citizen of the Web.

LOST CASTLE on Behance
In 1979 the Castle of Mesen was protected as a monument, but because of procedural errors that protection was undone in the following year. A new recent application for protection as a monument was not feasible. The refusal was due to the poor state of the buildings and the fear of high restoration costs. In 2010 the church, chapel and classroom buildings have been demolished.

vpro achterwerk – Max Laadvermogen
Het is sportdag en Max moet verplicht moet sporten. Hij ziet dit niet zitten en probeert te doen alsof hij gewond is. Zijn maatje Albert heeft zojuist een EHBO-cursus gedaan en probeert Max te helpen. Midas legt uit hoe je nepwonden kunt maken die heel echt lijken.