A Country Known Only by Name | Articles | Inference: The International Review of Science
There is no need to introduce Alexander Grothendieck to mathematicians: he is one of the great scientists of the twentieth century.

De Franstalige nota van Elke Sleurs (N-VA): ‘Schandalig gebruik van de taal van Molière’ – België – Knack.be
"Cette loi est devenu datée et, bien que dans la législature précédente l'intention était de le réformer, il n'est pas arrivé." — heeft iemand al de voor de hand liggende foute grap gemaakt dat het welicht door een mentaal gehandicapte vertaald werd?

Andere regels dan op papier? – De Standaard
Ja kindjes, echt waar. Vroeger, toen werden er élke dag miljoénen "kranten" gedrukt, met het nieuws van de vorige dag erop. Van die enorme bladeren papier, elke dag opnieuw. Jaja, ongelooflijjk hé?

How the World’s First Computer Was Rescued From the Scrap Heap | WIRED
Eccentric billionaires are tough to impress, so their minions must always think big when handed vague assignments. Ross Perot’s staffers did just that in 2006, when their boss declared that he wanted to decorate his Plano, Texas, headquarters with relics from computing history. Aware that a few measly Apple I’s and Altair 880’s wouldn’t be enough to satisfy a former presidential candidate, Perot’s people decided to acquire a more singular prize: a big chunk of ENIAC, the “Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer.”

Fossil hunters unearth galloping, dinosaur-eating crocodiles in Sahara | Science | The Guardian
Fossil hunters have uncovered the remains of primitive crocodiles that "galloped" on land and patrolled the broad rivers that coursed through north Africa one hundred million years ago. The skeletons of five creatures that walked with dinosaurs – and ate them – were unearthed in remote and rocky regions of what are now Morocco and Niger during a series of expeditions in the Sahara desert.