Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head: A Mosquito’s Lament – Phenomena: Curiously Krulwich
A study says a mosquito being hit by a raindrop is roughly the equivalent of a human being whacked by a school bus, the typical bus being about 50 times the mass of a person. And worse, when it’s raining hard, each mosquito should expect to get smacked, grazed, or shoved by a raindrop every 25 seconds. So rain should be dangerous to a mosquito. And yet (you probably haven’t looked, but trust me), when it’s raining those little pains in the neck are happily darting about in the air, getting banged—and they don’t seem to care. Raindrops, for some reason, don’t bother them.
Bye, bye Amazon, Netflix and Uber. China is here and you’re losing. | Duco van Breemen | LinkedIn
Building Analytics at 500px — Medium
A look at building analytics from the ground up at a mid-sized start-up and some of the challenges faced along the way
“Onhoudbare leningen aan Grieken opgelegd alleen om Duitse en Franse banken te redden” – DeWereldMorgen.be
“Waar de Griekse schuld tot 2010 in hoofdzaak een zaak was van de privésector, meer bepaald de banken, werd vanaf 2010 de schuld volledig verschoven naar de Griekse overheid. Daarmee werden de Duitse, Franse en Nederlandse banken gered die in de problemen kwamen omdat de Griekse banken hun schulden niet langer konden betalen. Die schuld werd door het Europees akkoord volledig verschoven naar de Griekse overheid, dus naar de bevolking. Met andere woorden, de 'oplossing' die Griekenland werd opgedrongen had als enige bedoeling de privéschuldeisers in Duitsland, Frankrijk en Nederland te redden.”
New Zealand’s Mighty Mongrel Mob gang in haunting portraits | Daily Mail Online
It is New Zealand's most notorious gang whose members operate in a criminal world of violence that is usually shut off to the outside world. But one photographer managed to gain their trust – and in turn rare access – resulting in haunting images of some of the key members of the Mighty Mongrel Mob.
Eén reactie op “Links van 12 juni 2015 tot 25 juni 2015”
RE: China. Zie ook http://www.slideshare.net/yiibu/the-emerging-global-web … wij lopen hopeloos achter.