Categorie: Links
Links van 13 december 2016 tot 5 januari 2017
Renewing Medium’s focusUpon further reflection, it’s clear that the broken system is ad-driven media on the internet. It simply doesn’t serve people. In fact, it’s not designed to. The vast majority of articles, videos, and other “content” we all consume on a daily basis is paid for — directly or indirectly — by corporations who are funding it in…
Links van 24 november 2016 tot 11 december 2016
A boy wonder from the 1780s shows us where school maths gets it wrong – MediumSchool maths lets students frisk around the edges of problem solving, but keeps them firmly rooted in the rote acquisition of disjointed knowledge. The Dominance of Google and Facebook in One ChartOver the next couple years, digital advertising is expected…
Links van 21 november 2016 tot 23 november 2016
Neonazi’s vinden vergelijking Trump met Hitler te vroeg – De SpeldDe opkomst van Donald Trump wordt regelmatig vergeleken met die van Adolf Hitler in de vroege jaren 30. Veel mensen spreken daar schande van, onder wie een aantal neonazi’s. Zij vinden dat Trump zich eerst maar eens moet bewijzen. Ooit vernielde deze man genetische proefvelden.…
Links van 12 november 2016 tot 20 november 2016
Facebook’s ad metric problem is becoming Zuckerberg’s headache | New York PostMark Zuckerberg has a credibility problem. The tech mogul’s Facebook just admitted to finding more “bugs” in the way it measures ads — and once again, those bugs benefited Facebook. More than half of arrested anti-Trump protesters didn’t vote in Oregon | KGW.comMost of…
Links van 1 november 2016 tot 11 november 2016
The ruthlessly effective rebranding of Europe’s new far right | World news | The GuardianAcross the continent, rightwing populist parties have seized control of the political conversation. How have they done it? By stealing the language, causes and voters of the traditional left Trump: het einde van het propagandamodel – Jan Blommaert (en z’n gedachten)Grote…
Links van 24 oktober 2016 tot 31 oktober 2016
Benjamin Button Reviews The New MacBook Pro (Pinboard Blog)The new MacBook Pro shows that Apple is finally becoming serious about developers. Gone is the gimmicky TouchBar, gone are the four USB-C ports that forced power users to carry a suitcase full of dongles. In their place we get a cornucopia of developer-friendly ports: two USB…
Links van 12 oktober 2016 tot 22 oktober 2016
Rolling Stone’s 500 Worst Reviews of All Time (work in progress) [Page 4] – Rate Your MusicDe 500 vreemdste reviews in Rolling Ston — met parels als "Perhaps the worst of the batch, "Perfect Day" is a soft lilter about spending a wonderful day drinking Sangria in the park with his girlfriend, about how it…
Links van 10 oktober 2016 tot 12 oktober 2016
Opinie: De islam-enquête is een voorbeeld van hoe het niet moet | Opinie | De MorgenWe verzochten gisteren om inzage in de technische fiche, die naar verluidt eind deze week op de Humo-site verschijnt. We vrezen het ergste. Er bestaat geen register waaruit men op willekeurige basis 500 moslims kan distilleren. Als dat bij Ivox…
Links van 12 augustus 2016 tot 26 september 2016
Planetfall 2 prototype : Infocom : Free Download & Streaming : Internet ArchiveDon’t get your hopes up: this is a very early prototype from the cancelled sequel to Infocom’s classic text adventure. It’s barely playable, though it does provide an interesting look at how the game would have played with a realtime 3D engine. The…
Links van 1 augustus 2016 tot 9 augustus 2016
Overheid, stop met starters dood te knuffelen! | De TijdElke subsidie is goedbedoeld maar zal de goed geïnformeerde ondernemer bevoordelen tegenover de minder geïnformeerde. Subsidiezoeken is immers een stiel geworden, en gespecialiseerde consultants kunnen daarbij helpen. Het heeft echter weinig te maken met ondernemerschap en een nieuwe dynamiek in een regio op gang brengen. In…
Links van 10 juli 2016 tot 28 juli 2016
Nicholas Windsor Howard – The Apple Goes Mushy Part I: OS X’s Interface Decline (Introduction)Whether or not Steve Jobs’s absence caused the decline (though I suspect it did), I grow frustrated as I watch each software update further erode one pillar of Apple’s formerly astronomical greatness. De maskers vallen in Turkije – Lukas De VosMaar…
Links van 1 juli 2016 tot 10 juli 2016
Vegetarians Found To Have More Cancer, Allergies And Mental Health DisordersA cross-sectional study taken from the Austrian Health Interview Survey AT-HIS 2006/07 found that vegetarians are actually less healthy than normal eaters. Subjects were matched according to their age, sex, and socioeconomic status leaving 1320 people – 330 vegetarians, 330 that ate meat but still…
Links van 27 mei 2016 tot 15 juni 2016
Ramadan 2016: Israel ‘cuts off water supply to West Bank’ during Muslim holy month | Middle East | News | The IndependentAlmost 200,000 Palestinians in the West Bank do not have access to running water, and require permission before collecting it themselves, according to a report by Amnesty International. A few months ago, I brought…
Links van 5 mei 2016 tot 25 mei 2016
Why Viggo Mortensen Is Off the GridThis summer, the quintessentially un-Hollywood Viggo Mortensen stars in a film about a father of six who rejects the world to raise his kids completely off the grid. How much does this character resemble the actor himself? Let's start with his flip phone. BBC – Earth – The bizarre…
Links van 27 april 2016 tot 5 mei 2016
Microsoft’s hover gestures for Windows phones are magnificent | The VergeIt's not clear whether Microsoft will ever bring its 3D Touch work to the market. The software giant is largely retrenching from its Lumia Windows phones, and rumors suggest the company is focusing on a "Surface Phone" launch for next year. While Windows Phone might…