Leaked NSA memo absent from US media
The story about the allaged leaked NSA “dirty tricks” memo that appeared in the Observer on Sunday is making the rounds in the world’s media. After looking around, I can easily find the story in British, Norwegian, French, German, Italian, Canadian, Russian, Australian, Middle-East and Far East media. There is a country; there is a newspaper writing about it, and mostly the story has prominent placing..
Except (you guessed it), in the US.
Its mention in mainstream US media is basically zilch. Honourable exceptions are Slate (though hidden inside an article about something else) and Washington Times, even though the latter only mentions it (in “foreign dispatches”) to question its authenticity (as does WTVJ in Florida). Some very few non-mainstream US newssources also carry the story.
In the blogsphere, on the other hand, the Observer story is currently the top two most referenced links, according to Daypop. Its authenticity and impact is also heavily debated in blogs. But the US media is silent.
Liberal bias? You must be joking.
[Secular Blasphemy]