Tag: fonts

  • Links van 21 november 2018 tot 25 november 2018

    Christopher Tolkien and the legacy of his father J.R.R. Tolkien: The Steward of Middle-earthNow, after more than 40 years, at the age of 94, Christopher Tolkien has laid down his editor’s pen, having completed a great labor of quiet, scholastic commitment to his father’s vision. It is the concluding public act of a gentleman and…

  • Links van 25 maart 2018 tot 15 mei 2018

    Drupal takes on risky admin interface renewal to catch up with WordPress | Drupal ShellIt is sad to see that the gradual adoption plan was switched to chase down shiny technology, without good thought on the long term effects on the community. With the original monolithic model of Drupal, falling out of favour it no longer…

  • Links van 28 mei 2014 tot 2 juni 2014

    Brainfuck beware: JavaScript is after you! | Patricio Palladinotl;dr I just made a tool to transform any javascript code into an equivalent sequence of ()[]{}!+ characters. Bayesian AB Testing | Technology on Heels with Lyst EngineeringBayesian inference is robust and fun. You too should try it out. Typography in 8 bits: System fonts » DamienGMy…

  • Links van 24 maart 2011 tot 25 maart 2011

    World Science Festival Video : Spotlight: Do Not Touch the FrogStrip away the trimmings of a traditional science presentation, add cocktails, and you have WSF Spotlight. Here, ecologist and National Geographic photographer Mark Moffett recounts his unexpectedly hilarious expedition to a remote valley in Colombia to document an elusive and highly poisonous “superfrog.” ChessBase.com –…

  • Kerndegij niet g’een hebt gij niet

    Ik zal u eens wat anders zeggen hé: de kerning van Haettenschweiler zuigt. Vergelijk automatische en manuele kerning:   Tsss. En zeg nu niet dat er geen verschil is. ’t Is verdorie al zo erg als de notoire “1” van Gill Sans.

  • Flightcheck

    ‘t Is ons allemaal wel al ooit eens overkomen: “Bon, die titel in Poplar hebben we met de hand wat gedistressed, idemditto met die Helvetica Heavy Condensed links, dus die stond vanzelf al in outlines… en een gewone Helvetica, dat zit toch overal op? Waarom zouden we dat dan nog meesturen?” Gnn. Geschreven al luisterend naar:…