Maand: juni 2003
Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas
Turns out there was nothing wrong with the style sheet, IE was wrapping <div>s because the photo was too big. Thanks to Ben for pointing out a solution. And, joy of joys, this pointed me right to the changelog for TypePad, which makes me feel a bit less isolated 🙂
styles.css bah
I wonder how much longer I’m going to have to upload a modified styles.css after each new post 🙂 There’s proably something wrong somewhere, but my CSS is not strong enough to fathom why, er, grasshopper. So I resort to adding position: absolute; top: 75px; margin-left: -15px; to the #right thingy, which seems to scotch-tape-fix…
Off-line editing, lalala
I can only imagine how many feature requests like this the guys at Six Apart get. If only they’d make their feature request / help / bug report database public (hint, hint). I’d like to be able to create/edit/delete posts on a TypePad website using another programme, possibly via an XML-RPC/SOAP/Blogger API kind of mechanism.…
Gisterenavond nog finale bevestiging gekregen
Gisterenavond nog finale bevestiging gekregen van Luc dat ons “achterhuis” (het kleine huisje op het einde van onze koer) in de 19de eeuw wel degelijk een beluik was. Beluikje, want er stonden maar twee huisjes in. De technische dienst van de stad beschreef ons huis in 1892 zo: La maison n° 12 est louée en…
Drat, styles again
I can see I’ll have to re-upoload my modified styles.css after each post. Hrm.
This is weird. I can post an entry to my weblog without my laptop being on-line. I think the ideal would be a combination of being able to post on-line and being able to post off-line. Expect a detailed proposal soon, but now I have to run. Ha!
Betatesten is zó wijs! En vannamiddag
Betatesten is zó wijs! En vannamiddag komt er iemand solliciteren. Sollicitatiegesprekken afnemen, ook al zo wijs!
I’m off
Grr. I’m a firm believer in using my keyboard as much as I can, and if I can do something without resorting to my mouse I’m a happy bunny. Which is why I do not like it that I have to tab eight times to get from the title field of a post to the…
I don’t know about anyone else around typepad, but I feel like I’m on an island here. I’m not the most sociable person even at the best of times, but I’m not sure this is very productive–beta testing “in the dark”, without being able to have a discussion or withour knowing what happens to the…
Ugh. Tummy problems. I’m not sure what the matter is.
Eppur si muove! Het gaat
Eppur si muove! Het gaat over het Vatikaan op tv1. Wel interessant.
There are so many things I hate, you wouldn’t believe it.
Ik ben niet goed, ik
Ik ben niet goed, ik denk dat ik naar bed ga gaan. Met The Templars, dat weliswaar niet sensationalistisch geschreven is, en als uitgangspunt heeft “sifting myth from history”, maar dat ik toch cum grano salis ga pakken. Zo zegt die brave mens bijvoorbeeld dat Constantijn enorm christelijk was, terwijl dat toch dacht ik eigenlijk…
More style.css stuff
There ya go. Well, more or less. I’m not going to fiddle around with the style sheet, especially since the templates are liable to change anyway.
Ik word er gewoon slecht
Ik word er gewoon slecht van, van al die miserie.