More Photoshop tips from Gnomie Melissa!

That’s it. Ik unsubscribe van die lockergnome-lijsten. Nee maar: More Photoshop tips from Gnomie Melissa! Want to zoom in or out? After pressing the zoom icon on the toolbar, by default it is showing the plus (which is zooming in). Press Alt (for Windows) or Option (for Mac) to get the minus sign – this …

New Mac OS nukes external drive

Grappig. ‘t Moet niet altijd Microsoft zijn die de boter opgegeten heeft hé. The new Mac OS upgrade, X 10.3, called “Panther,” has a serious bug that makes Microsoft’s security problems look like a picnic: many users have reported that external FireWire hard disks are erased when they upgrade! This is a particularly nasty surprise, …

Research: Pterosaurs flew like birds

Cool! Researchers have done careful modelling of Pterosaurs, flying dinosaurs, and found that far from being cumbersone gliders, they most likely were as good fliers or better than modern birds. Researchers, led by Lawrence Witmer from Ohio University, studied a pair of pterosaur skulls and generated three-dimensional reconstructions of their brains. This was possible because …

American Gods

American Gods aan het herlezen, in Microsoft Reader-formaat (the only way to go als het op teksten lezen op computerscherm aankomt). ‘t Staat echt wel vol kleine en grote verwijzingen naar vanalles. Deze bijvoorbeeld: There was a polite grunt from the urinal immediately to his right, although he had heard nobody come in. The man …

VRT, geh

Het Vlaams Blok zit daar normale partij te wezen in de Zevende Dag. Eikes. En Miel Dekeyser samen met Tuur Van Wallendael zitten te kankeren op de huidige VRT-nieuwsdinges. Het grenst aan nestbevuiling, maar het zal wel zelfkritiek zijn zeker?