transparent like frosted glass • Buttondown

/insert discussie over mentaal model en hoe de interface u daarbij moet helpen, en dat het hoegenaamd niet uitmaakt of het mentaal model al dan niet de échte waarheid weergeeft.

A good interface is a locus. It is usually where our explanation ends, but always where it begins. It is a stepping stone, not a terminus. And so, an interface should reveal the shape of the underlying implementation. It should only obscure the finer details that are, to most people, irrelevant. It should be transparent like frosted glass.

Arthropod Origins Revealed by Crazy Detailed Fossil | Deep Evolution News – YouTube

In evolutie- en fossielennieuws: Youti yuanshi, een minuscuul (4 millimeter) maar ongelooflijk goed bewaard fossiel uit China, leert ons over het begin van de arthropoda.


Mickey 17 | Official Trailer – YouTube

De nieuwe Bong Joon Ho. Met Robert Pattinson en sciencefiction en ‘t schijnt grappig. Ik las dit erover en ik ben verkocht: “David Zaslav’s Warner Bros has been trying to bury Bong Joon-ho’s sci-fi follow up to Parasite for over a year now, refused to let it play Cannes, and is now dumping it in January. Rumors are Robert Pattinson’s weirdo performance also bothered them which to me means it must be friggin’ awesome.”

rougier/scientific-visualization-book: An open access book on scientific visualization using python and matplotlib

Eén van die dingen waarvan ik zeg “oh wijs! direkt aan beginnen!” om dan vijf minuten later te beseffen dat het vooral voor de inspiratie zal zijn en niet voor het zelf maken. Wegens AI, ha.

WP Engine is not WordPress – WordPress News

What WP Engine gives you is not WordPress, it’s something that they’ve chopped up, hacked, butchered to look like WordPress, but actually they’re giving you a cheap knock-off and charging you more for it.

This is one of the many reasons they are a cancer to WordPress, and it’s important to remember that unchecked, cancer will spread. WP Engine is setting a poor standard that others may look at and think is ok to replicate. We must set a higher standard to ensure WordPress is here for the next 100 years.

mvuijlst/save-links-extension: Save links Chrome extension

Save links Chrome extension. Contribute to mvuijlst/save-links-extension development by creating an account on GitHub.


(3) Autocracy and Stagnation: How Imperial Exams Shaped China’s Destiny

In this first half of our two-part interview, we discuss…

  • How the imperial examination system (known as keju) shaped Chinese governance, culture, and society,
  • Why autocratic Chinese dynasties benefitted from a meritocratic bureaucracy,
  • Statistical methods for analyzing social mobility in imperial China,
  • How the keju system survived the Mongol conquest,
  • What the tradeoffs in the imperial exam system can teach us about the future economic prospects of China and Taiwan.

The Innovation File: Solving a whale of a problem | UW Magazine — University of Washington Magazine

In 1972, sperm whales breathed a huge sigh of relief because the Endangered Species Act was passed and these magnificent creatures could no longer be killed for their precious oil. In North America alone, 55 million pounds a year were being consumed. Little did anyone know that the car-driving public was about to learn a painful lesson — their automobiles’ transmissions were in big trouble without sperm whale oil.

Thanks to the critical role that sperm whale oil played in making automatic transmission fluids and gear oils, car transmissions routinely lasted for the life of vehicle. Once alternative ingredients had to be found, transmissions began failing at unheard-of rates. Before 1972, less than 1 million transmissions failed each year; without sperm whale oil, transmission failures exploded to more than 8 million by 1975.

The Dead Zoo – YouTube

Heerlijk museum. Het was vijfentwintig jaar geleden al aan vernieuwing toe (wellicht 125 jaar geleden óók al, ahem). Maar in 2019 of zo hebben ze beslist dat het tijd was om het gebouw aan te pakken, en dus moest de inhoud verhuizen. Ondermeer ook twee walvissen die aan het plafond hingen. Spannend!

Hundreds of Mysterious Nazca Glyphs Have Just Been Revealed : ScienceAlert

Since their first discovery in the 1940s, around 430 glyphs have been discovered on the arid plateau known as the Nazca Pampa.

Now, using drones and AI, a team led by archaeologist and anthropologist Masato Sakai of Yamagata University in Japan has discovered a jaw-dropping 303 more in just six months – nearly doubling the known number.

With the discovery comes new insight regarding the function of the mysterious symbols.

Israeli Bulldozers Flatten Mile After Mile in the West Bank – The New York Times

Videos from Tulkarm and Jenin show bulldozers destroying infrastructure and businesses, as well as soldiers impeding local emergency responders.

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