Categorie: Links
Links van 18 februari 2015 tot 23 februari 2015
The Trouble with Dijsselbloem | JacobinFor Dijsselbloem, extinguishing Syriza’s promise is imperative. It is a precondition for restoring the stability of the EU that he, his party, and economic elites so desire. But it is as necessary for the continuation of the dreamless, managerial, suit-and-tie progressivism from which he has never strayed. The dangers of…
Links van 15 februari 2015 tot 18 februari 2015
Butterick’s Practical TypographyAmong web-publishing tools, I see Medium as the equivalent of a frozen pizza: not as wholesome as a meal you could make yourself, but for those without the time or motivation to cook, a potentially better option than just eating peanut butter straight from the jar. The problem, however, is that Medium holds out its…
Links van 12 februari 2015 tot 15 februari 2015
Israel Acknowledges Contraceptive Shots Given to Ethiopian JewsThe Israeli government has tacitly acknowledged injecting Ethiopian women immigrating to Israel with a long-acting contraceptive without their knowledge, telling them they couldn’t come into the country if they didn’t take the shot, which the women thought was a vaccination. Many have called the practice appallingly racist. The…
Links van 7 februari 2015 tot 10 februari 2015
Why Is Food Babe Selling a Product With BHT? | Bad Science DebunkedWhy is Vani Hari (the “Food Babe”) harassing Kellogg’s and General Mills because their cereals contain BHT, when she’s earning a sales commission on a product that contains BHT? The curious case of the Facebook page that posts the same thing every day…
Links van 2 februari 2015 tot 7 februari 2015
What’s Up With That: Why Do Cats Love Boxes So Much? | WIREDSo what are we to make of the strange gravitational pull that empty Amazon packaging exerts on Felis sylvestris catus? Like many other really weird things cats do, science hasn’t fully cracked this particular feline mystery. There’s the obvious predation advantage a box…
Links van 29 januari 2015 tot 2 februari 2015
Microsoft Windows on Devices – Raspberry Pi 2We’re excited to announce that we are expanding our Windows Developer Program for IoT by delivering a version of Windows 10 that supports Raspberry Pi 2. This release of Windows 10 will be free for the Maker community through the Windows Developer Program for IoT. Syria’s President Speaks…
Links van 26 januari 2015 tot 28 januari 2015
De dreiging van Arabische muziek | Jan Blommaert (en z’n gedachten)Tussen neus en lippen geeft De Wever ons hier een voorbeeld van wat we al weten: de totalitaire surveillantiecultuur. Die zit als volgt ineen: (1) op basis van platte machtsargumenten identificeer je een vijand; (2) en stel je ELK aspect en eigenschap ervan voor als…
Links voor 25 januari 2015
Holy Shit, I Interviewed the President — MediumLegacy media isn’t mocking us because we aren’t a legitimate source of information; they’re mocking us because they’re terrified. Their legitimacy came from the fact that they have access to distribution channels and that they get to be in the White House press pool because of some long-ago…
Links van 23 januari 2015 tot 24 januari 2015
The Best Case for Jesus » Peter Kirby Fair’s fair. Let’s try to make the best possible case for the historical existence of Jesus. One never learns about an issue completely unless they are willing to look at it from more than one angle. I intend to write a few more posts on this blog taking…
Links van 18 januari 2015 tot 23 januari 2015
How the CIA made Google — MediumThe inside story of Google’s rise, revealed here for the first time, opens a can of worms that goes far beyond Google, unexpectedly shining a light on the existence of a parasitical network driving the evolution of the US national security apparatus, and profiting obscenely from its operation. New…
Links van 12 januari 2015 tot 15 januari 2015
A Localization Horror Story: It Could Happen To YouThis article points out cases where gettext (a common system for localizing software interfaces — i.e., making them work in the user's language of choice) fails because of basic differences between human languages. This article then describes Maketext, a new system capable of correctly treating these differences.…
Links van 7 januari 2015 tot 12 januari 2015
AirshipsA real-time strategy game where you design airships and then fight with them. The aim is to have pretty chaotic explodey fights and interesting ship design choices. Andrew Chen, Gilt: Designing For China | Design Driven NYCAndrew Chen, Director of Product at Gilt, spoke at December 2014’s edition of Design Driven NYC and outlined all…
Links voor 6 januari 2015
Watch Movie Unlawful Killing (2011) Online Free – SolarMovieA documentary about the allegedly conspiratorial killing of Diana, Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed Star Trek: The Next Generation In 40 Hours — MediumI want to make the case Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG) is important and worth your time in 2015, and I want…
Links van 27 december 2014 tot 30 december 2014
Technical Documentation – Copy Protection | Dungeon Master EncyclopaediaThis document describes the copy protection scheme that was used for Dungeon Master and Chaos Strikes Back on Atari ST and Amiga. These games used a very sophisticated copy protection. It took several months after the first release of Dungeon Master before the copy protection was correctly…
Links van 25 december 2014 tot 27 december 2014
Lost Garden: Top 5 design debates I ignored in 2014Back in the 80’s and 90’s, when conversation about game design was first bubbling up out of our community of insecure practitioners, a few polarizing topics would arise again and again. You’ll recognize them: The correct definition of ‘game’ – Narrative vs Mechanics – Randomness vs…