Categorie: Links
Links van 1 november 2014 tot 5 november 2014
The formula that explains why all hipsters look the sameEver wondered why those who rail against conformity appear to favour the same types of clothes, trundle around on the same fixie bikes and all sup on the same rare Bolivian coffee beans from the same pop-up cafes in the same trendy neighbourhoods of their city?…
Links van 27 oktober 2014 tot 31 oktober 2014
Weber’s Germany: The Veterinarian Totalitarian – Alternate History Discussion Board“When we train an animal we speak to it in human tongue and treat it as though it was human – to reasonable extents. We use words as our first recourse and violence as our last. Convince an animal it is human and it will follow…
Links van 24 oktober 2014 tot 27 oktober 2014
Gaming « The DishAm I wrong to detect in this pile-on another round of bullying of these people, of treating them as scum, of dismissing anything they might have to say? Here are Gawker’s Sam Biddle’s tweets last week: "Ultimately #GamerGate is reaffirming what we’ve known to be true for decades: nerds should be constantly…
Links van 6 oktober 2014 tot 22 oktober 2014
Mud and Loathing on Russia-Ukraine Border – Bloomberg“Hitler’s troops spent a night in this village and only one glass was broken,” he said in Surzhyk, the melodious mix of Russian and Ukrainian spoken by many residents of the area. Of the Ukrainian government, he said, “We should hang those fascists by their eggs from a…
Links van 3 oktober 2014 tot 6 oktober 2014
5 Steps To Fixing A Derailed Career | LinkedInAll successful reinventions have one thing in common: a great story that makes people want to see the underdog win! You need to be able to articulate how you got to the point of needing the reinvention and what you hope to accomplish going forward in a…
Links van 30 september 2014 tot 3 oktober 2014
The Interactive Fiction CompetitionThe games of the 2014 Interactive Fiction Competition are ready for judging! Anyone can be a judge: just play and rate at least five games before November 15. A history of the They Might Be Giants song Birdhouse in Your Soul.For many of us, the world is a bit scarier than it…
Links van 19 september 2014 tot 28 september 2014
The myth of religious violence | Karen Armstrong | World news | The GuardianThe popular belief that religion is the cause of the world’s bloodiest conflicts is central to our modern conviction that faith and politics should never mix. But the messy history of their separation suggests it was never so simple Yahoo killing off…
Links van 12 september 2014 tot 16 september 2014
The little-known Soviet mission to rescue a dead space station | Ars TechnicaThe following story happened in 1985 but subsequently vanished into obscurity. Over the years, many details have been twisted, others created. Even the original storytellers got some things just plain wrong. After extensive research, writer Nickolai Belakovski is able to present, for the…
Links van 7 september 2014 tot 10 september 2014
Using SVG to shrink your PNGs | Peter HrynkowWouldn’t it be great if you could get the compression of a JPEG and keep the transparency of a PNG? Well, you can, sort of. Code Rush : David Winton : Free Download & Streaming : Internet ArchiveThe Film Code Rush follows the people of Netscape Communications…
Links van 29 augustus 2014 tot 7 september 2014
Plumbing Politics and the Crazy State of the World for Comedy with Andy Zaltzman | SplitsiderHOERA! "The Bugle comes back mid-September. Probably around about the 18th of September, and we should then run for the rest of the millenium, hopefully. We'll pass it down to our children and our children’s children. Strict hereditary system we…
Links van 24 augustus 2014 tot 29 augustus 2014
Max-Out Everything for $686: Overclocking Gaming PC Build | Gamers Nexus – Gaming PC Builds & Hardware BenchmarksGhrrhh. Ik zou een gaming pc moeten maken. Eigenlijk. CGSociety – Building 3D with Ikea75% of IKEA's images are now CG: A behind the scenes look at how they work Ravelry: Brain Hat (KNITTING PATTERN, not actual hat)…
Links van 21 augustus 2014 tot 24 augustus 2014
The 9 biggest myths about ISIS – VoxMyth #1: ISIS is crazy and irrational If you want to understand the Islamic State, better known as ISIS, the first thing you have to know about them is that they are not crazy. Murderous adherents to a violent medieval ideology, sure. But not insane. The Strange Tale…
Links van 20 augustus 2014 tot 21 augustus 2014
How presidential elections are impacted by a 100 million year old coastline | Deep Sea NewsHale and Bamberg belong to a belt of counties cutting through the deep south–Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina–that have voted over 50% Democratic in recent presidential elections. Why? A 100 million year old coastline. Hillary Clinton’s 11th-hour…
Links van 13 augustus 2014 tot 18 augustus 2014
Nanarland le site des mauvais films sympathiquesAhem oui. Cancellation Watch: Outlander and The Leftovers Get Renewed, Legends Has a Modest Debut | Cancelled Sci FiYes! "Series Renewals: Starz has announced the renewal of their new series Outlander after that show has aired only one episode." The Ultimate Guide to this Fall’s Science Fiction and Fantasy…
Links van 10 augustus 2014 tot 12 augustus 2014
A Diablo 3 Story: A Diablo 3 StoryTLDR: I made about 100 000 euro from Diablo 3 in exactly 1 year. Below I will tell you in great detail how. Almost Perfect by W. E. Pete Peterson The Rise and Fall of WordPerfect CorporationThe book, Almost Perfect, was originally published by Prima Publishing in 1994.…