Neeeeeennn!!! Waylon Jennings is nog vroeger komen te gaan dan Johnny Cash.
“Het is al een echt foetusje”–Filip en Mathilde krijgen nog een kindje bij! Ze hebben Astrid en Lorenz nog niet ingehaald, maar ze hebben nog keure natuurlijk.
Ik vind Prinses Mathilde eigenlijk een vreemde madam. Ik heb altijd de indruk dat als zijn gimlacht, die glimlach dreigt door te lopen tot achter haar oren, waarna haar hele hoofd openklapt en naar achter kantelt.
Daarover gesproken (enfin, niet echt, maar bon): zondag komt Ron met zijn vrouwtche, Laurence, en mijn firewirekabel!
Yo. Yo yo yo yo DJ MV in da house, live and effect.
Sandra is naar de oogmeester, Zelie ligt te slapen en Louis is met geen telefoonboek stil te krijgen. Sint-Valentijn vandaag, pfffff.
Morgen komt onze oeigoerse kuisvrouw en moet ik zwaar boodschappen doen voor zondag: heel de familie op bezoek. Ik wil iets doen met coquilles st. jacques. En crème brulée als dessert, niet vergeten aan mijn ouders vragen om hun vlammenwerper mee te nemen.
Straks eens kijken in de kookboeken.
Ha, “morgen” zei ik. Binnen anderhalf uur moet ik alweer uit bed, ha ha.
Genoeg pijnpillen om een hele kooi gordeldieren mee koest te houden, nu hopen dat ik een uur of twee kan slapen. Morgen, ziek of niet, naar het werk.
Interne memo van Clearchannel voor in het geval de oorlog zou uitbreken.
The second you get a notification that war has begun make sure you are prepared to hit news bulletin sounder and get the information on IMMEDIATELY. As soon as it is offered, cut to network updates or long-form coverage immediately. Then call and page Ken and Cristi.
Little Belgium
“So, little Belgium, which twice in the last century was overrun by a brutal and aggressive dictatorship that was on its way to invading a third country, has blocked NATO from carrying out its duty to help a member state — Turkey — defend itself against another brutal and aggressive tyrant [front page, Feb. 11].
That Belgium has done so with the full support of Germany, the very power that twice trampled it, and France, none other than Germany’s two-time target, makes one wonder why it is Americans who have the reputation of being impervious to both history and irony.” (A letter from a reader in the Washington Post)
Kijk eens hoe lang het duurt eer je doorhebt wat er aan de hand is: Flash Mind Reader.
Al wakker. Of nog wakker, het doet er niet veel toe. Overal pijn. Ai.
Ik vraag mij echt af hoe Bride of Frankenstein er zou uitgezien hebben met Claude Rains als Pretorius.
Niet dat Ernest Thesiger geen fantastische prestatie neerzet, en niet dat hij de film niet draagt, maar de rol was speciaal voor Raines geschreven, dus…
Elsa Lanchester. Hmm-mm-mm.
Juich! De upgrade van mijn OED is toegekomen! Nog alijd geen echte fysieke OED, maar ’t is beter dan niets. Tenzij jullie allemaal Plantin OUP als lettertype staan hebben (schoon lettertype trouwens), zien jullie dit hieronder niet in al zijn glorie, maar de entry voor log begint bijvoorbeeld zo:
log, n.1
Forms: 4?6 logge, 7?8 logg, 6? log. [Late ME. logge; of obscure origin; cf. the nearly synonymous clog n., which appears about the same time.
Not from ON. lág felled tree (f. OTeut. *l%g-, ablaut-variant of *leg- “lie v.1), which could only have given *low in mod.Eng. The conjecture that the word is an adoption from a later stage of Scandinavian (mod.Norw. laag, Sw. dial. låga), due to the Norwegian timber-trade, is not without plausibility, but is open to strong objection on phonological grounds. It is most likely that clog and logge arose as attempts to express the notion of something massive by a word of appropriate sound. Cf. Du. log clumsy, heavy, dull; see also lug n. and v. In sense 6 the word has passed from Eng. into many other langs.: F. loch, Ger., Da. log, Sw. logg.]1. a. A bulky mass of wood; now usually an unhewn portion of a felled tree, or a length cut off for use as firewood. in the log: in an unhewn condition.
1398 Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvii. xlv. 630 Þe frute þereof falleþ+but he be+itrailled wt logges [L. lignis] & yardes as it were a vine. 1481?90 Howard Househ. Bks. (Roxb. Club) 355 My Lord paied+[for] iij. lodes of belet, and iij. lodes of logges+xviij. s. 1490 Caxton Eneydos xlvi. 139 The hardy knyghtes+casted vpon theym grete logges wyth sharpe yron atte the ende. 1525 Churchw. Acc. Heybridge, Essex (Nicholls 1797) 173 Paide to Adrewe of Braxted, for a logge 6d. 1540?54 Croke Ps. (Percy Soc.) 44 If one of his hate, Byfore the logge or stone wold ley, His purpose shall cumme all to late. 1545 Rates Custom-ho. b, Dogion logges the hundreth peces vis. viiid. 1561 T. Norton Calvin’s Inst. i. 23b, I was somtime a fig tree log, a block that serued for nought. c1600 Day Begg. Bednall Gr. ii. ii. (1881) 38 Wol’t say I lye? thou hadst as good eat a load of logs. 1610 Shakes. Temp. iii. i. 17, I would the lightning had Burnt vp those Logs that you are enioynd to pile. a1700 Dryden Ovid’s Met. viii. Meleager 253 There lay a Log unlighted on the Hearth. 1800 Colquhoun Comm. Thames i. 27, 250 of the Timber Ships are laden with Logs. 1850 Tennyson In Mem. cvii, Bring in great logs and let them lie, To make a solid core of heat. 1857 Thoreau Maine W. (1894) 196 The largest pine belonging to his firm+was worth ninety dollars in the log. 1900 Blackw. Mag. July 53/2 The smouldering ends of logs+gave forth a tingling smoke which filled the hovel.
…en de context waarin het gebruikt wordt in web log komt uiteindelijk van betekenis 7.a:
7. a. Short for log–book. A journal into which the contents of the log-board or log-slate are daily transcribed, together with any other circumstance deserving notice.
1825 H. B. Gascoigne Nav. Fame 79 Then down he goes his daily Log to write. 1850 Scoresby Cheever’s Whaleman’s Adv. vi. (1859) 86 To fix the localities of whales’ resorts by the comparison of the logs of a vast number of whalers. 1883 Stevenson Treas. Isl. iv. xviii, The captain sat down to his log, and here is the beginning of the entry. 1875 R. F. Burton Gorilla L. (1876) II. 176 Had the writers lived, they might have worked up their unfinished logs into interesting and instructive matter.
Komaan jongens, nu begin Colin Powell ook al:
“Nothing today justifies a war,” declared Mr Chirac. He was echoed by Mr Putin: “We are against the war. At the moment, that is the view I have.”
The intervention has in any event infuriated the United States whose Secretary of State Colin Powell, the dove turned hawk, contemptuously compared any extra inspectors to “Inspector Clouseau running all around Iraq”. [BBC]
Echt wel volwassen gedrag. Beseffen die mensen niet dat dit echt contraproductief is?
Tiens, iemand bij de New York Times bekijkt de situatie een beetje rationeel:
In the United States it is taken as axiomatic that America is a country that really faces up to evildoers, while those sniveling old Europeans just don’t have the nerve. And the U.S. commentariat, with few exceptions, describes Mr. Bush as a decisive leader who really gets to grips with problems. Tough-guy rhetoric aside, this image seems to be based on the following policy ? as opposed to political ? achievements: (1) The overthrow of the Taliban; (2) . . . any suggestions for 2?
Meanwhile, here’s how it looks from Paris: France was willing to put ground troops at risk ? and lose a number of soldiers ? in the former Yugoslavia; we weren’t. The U.S. didn’t make good on its promises to provide security and aid to post-Taliban Afghanistan. Those Americans, they are very brave when it comes to bombing from 10,000 meters, but they expect other people to clean up the mess they make, no?
And French officials have made no secret of their belief that Mr. Bush wants to invade Iraq not because he is truly convinced that Saddam Hussein is a menace, but because he’d rather have an easy victory in a conventional war than stick to the hard task of tracking down stateless terrorists. I’m not saying they’re right; I have no idea what Mr. Bush is really thinking. But you can understand their point of view.