Die mens Eric Myer is echt wel geen slechte fotograaf.
Eerst Silent Witness op Canvas, en dan gaan we samen kijken naar Ice Age! Yay!
“Moses was descending from the mountain, and he was not a happy prophet” — Simon Schama over Oliver Cromwell als hij het Rump Parliament ontbindt. Zeer goed, op bbc uiteraard. Als er één zender is die ik niet zou kwijt willen, is het wel bbc2.
En dat doet er mij aan denken: ik heb mijn beste examen op de universiteit gedaan in het mondeling bij Van Caenegem. Baron Professor Doctor Raoul C. van Caenegem, doctor honoris causa Tübingen, Leuven, Parijs, Hoogleraar in Cambridge, Harvard en ook wel Gent. Geschiedenis van het publiekrecht. Eerst wat vragen over het Directoire en wat ervoor en erna kwam, en dan als conslusie een onschuldige vraag, zo van het genre kijken of hij iets buiten de cursus weet: “vertel mij iets over Oliver Cromwell”.
Ha! HA! Ik had de weken daarvoor non-stop de CD van Monty Python Sings opstaan, en mijn favoriete track was Oliver Cromwell, met tekst van John Cleese op de melodie van–believe it or not–Chopin’s Polonaise Nr. 6.
Dus ik begin mijn antwoord: “Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector van Engeland, een puritein, was geboren in 1599 en stierf in december 1658. Hij was MP voor Huntingdon, en leidde de Ironside Cavalry in de slag bij Marston Moor, die ze wonnen. Hij richtte het New Model Army op en …”
Dan was het al gewonnen, maar vik heb er toch nog een aantal details uit kunnen krijgen, dat Charles I in januari 1649 geëxecuteerd werd, en dat hij vieze dingen gedaan had in Ierland, en het Commonwealth oprichtte, en de Schotten bij Worcester versloeg en de Hollanders in 1653 in een zeeslag en…
Enfin, en dat dus allemaal omdat ik deze tekst van buiten kende:
Spoken: The most interesting thing about King Charles the First is that he was 5 foot 6 inches tall at the start of his reign, but only 4 foot 8 inches tall at the end of it… becasue of…
- Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England PURITAN
- Born in 1599 and died in 1658 SEPTEMBER
- Was at first ONLY
- MP for Huntingdon
- He led the Ironside Cavalry at Marston Moor
- in 1644 and won
- Then he founded the new model army
- And praise be, beat the Cavaliers at Naisby
- And the King fled up North, like a bat to the Scots.
- Born in 1599 and died in 1658 SEPTEMBER
- Spoken: But under the terms of John Pimm’s Solemn league and covenant, the Scots handed King Charles the first over to…
- Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England
- Born in 1599 and died in 1658 SEPTEMBER
- But alas OY VAY!
- Disagreement then broke out
- BETWEEN The Presbyterian Parliament
- And the Military who meant
- To have an independent bent.
- And so …
- The second Civil War broke out
- And the Roundhead ranks
- Faced the Cavaliers at Preston banks
- And the King lost again, silly thing
- Spoken: And Cromwell sent Colonel Pride to purge the House of Commons of the Presbyterian Royalists, leaving behind only the rump Parliment
- Which appointed a High Court at Westminster Hall
- To indict Charles the First for… tyranny
- Charles was sentenced to death
- Even though he refused to accept
- That the court had… jurisdiction
- Poor King Charles laid his head on the block
- JANUARY 1649
- Down came the axe, and…
- To indict Charles the First for… tyranny
- Spoken: In the silence that followed, the only sound that could be heard was a solitary giggle, from…
- Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of England OLÉ
- Born in 1599 and died in 1658 SEPTEMBER
- Then he smashed IRELAND
- Set up the Commonwealth
- He crushed the Scots at Worcester
- And beat the Dutch at sea
- In 1653 and then
- He dissolved the rump Parliament
- And with Lambert’s consent
- Wrote the instrument of Government
- Under which Oliver was Protector at last.
- The end!
- Born in 1599 and died in 1658 SEPTEMBER
Doctor StoopidArabPropagandaNews: A Grave Mistake in Umrah.⁂
Hehe, België heeft per abuis Noorwegen gebombardeerd met clusterbommen.
Toegegeven, Noorwegen zelf heeft megedaan, en het was niet zozeer Noorwegen in het algemeen als een paar bommen die buiten een test range terechtgekomen waren, maar ’t blijft grappig:
Norway’s Minister of Defense Kristin Krohn Devold was in hot water on Friday after newspaper Nationen revealed that Norwegian and Belgian planes dropped cluster bombs on a test area at Hjerkinn on October 7. Military sources could not guarantee that all bombs had been found and detonated.
Via het uitstekende Media Whores Online:
Watching Crossfire tonight my husband pointed out words scrolling down , north to south, on the TV screen that seemed to be in the subliminal category: Republic Democratic Bleeding Heart. Over and over. There were, in addition, words going east to west, but on our small screen we could not make them out.
What do you make of this?
Robin LoucksIndeed, “Democrat Bleeding Heart” scrolled in the background for approximately 25 minutes on Thursday’s CNN Crossfire broadcast. It could mean a Media Graphicist-Whore has infiltrated the network.
Tiens, de brief van de sniper van Washington. Zou het hem echt gewoon om het geld gegaan zijn?
’t Is niet gelukt om schoenen te kopen. Shit happens.
Aan de andere kant: rode botten gevonden voor Zelie. En Ice Age op DVD gekocht.
Ooooooooooo Raymond Burr als Ironside op bbc!! Spijtig dat we weg moeten.
We gaan boodschappen doen: laarzen voor de kinderen, schoenen voor mij, eten voor volgende week en dan langs bij mijn ouders om af te spreken hoe we de remise leeg gaan maken.
En dan terug naar hier.
MacArthur Park
(Richard Harris)
Spring was never waiting for us, girl
It ran one step ahead
As we followed in the dance
Between the parted pages and were pressed
In love’s hot, fevered iron
Like a striped pair of pants
MacArthur Park is melting in the dark
All the sweet, green icing flowing down
Someone left the cake out in the rain
I don’t think that I can take it
‘Cause it took so long to bake it
And I’ll never have that recipe again
Oh, no!
I recall the yellow cotton dress
Foaming like a wave
On the ground around your knees
The birds, like tender babies in your hands
And the old men playing checkers by the trees
MacArthur Park is melting in the dark
All the sweet, green icing flowing down
Someone left the cake out in the rain
I don’t think that I can take it
‘Cause it took so long to bake it
And I’ll never have that recipe again
Oh, no!
There will be another song for me
For I will sing it
There will be another dream for me
Someone will bring it
I will drink the wine while it is warm
And never let you catch me looking at the sun
And after all the loves of my life
After all the loves of my life
You’ll still be the one
I will take my life into my hands and I will use it
I will win the worship in their eyes and I will lose it
I will have the things that I desire
And my passion flow like rivers through the sky
And after all the loves of my life
After all the loves of my life
I’ll be thinking of you
And wondering why
[extended break]
MacArthur Park is melting in the dark
All the sweet, green icing flowing down
Someone left the cake out in the rain
I don’t think that I can take it
‘Cause it took so long to bake it
And I’ll never have that recipe again
Oh, no!
Oh, no
No, no
Oh no!!⁂
Best Richard Harris Story Ever.
He was acting with Laurence Olivier in a production of Macbeth, early in Richard’s career. Richard had a small role as Lady MacBeth’s Doctor, and Sir Laurence was Macbeth. Sir Laurence apperently hated the Irish with a passion, and Richard was, of course, Irish. Needless to say, Sir Laurence made every oppertunity to make Richards life miserable during rehearsals. Richard just took the abuse, and tried to stay focused.
Richard’s only line was to come out and tell Macbeth that, sadly, his wife has died–after which Macbeth flies off into the main soliloquy of the play, lamenting about his loss and mistakes. The line, while small, is very important because it set up this famous speech.
Anyway, opening night arives, and the play gets going without a hitch. Richard avoids Sir Laurence backstage, and things are going great. Then comes Richard’s line. Sir Laurence, masterfully playing Macbeth, summons the doctor to find out how his poor wife is doing. Richard, waiting for this moment looks him square in the eye and says “Oh, she’ll be fine. She should be out in a few minutes,” turns and walks right out the backstage door, calls a cab, and never returns.
Richard Harris dood. Zucht. Es geht alles vorüber.
Oliver Reed en Richard Burton waren al dood, zijn er nog Grote Engelse Dronkaards over? [ja, ik wet dat Burton Welsh was en Harris Iers]
Hm, The Guardian is niet mals voor Courtney Love:
Courtney also sold Kurt’s diaries for almost £3 million. Such a private man would have found their publication horrific. At least Courtney will not be able to flog her own diaries. Kurt Cobain is not around to write them.
Nu, niet dat ze beter verdient, de bitch. Ik herinner mij een aflevering van Ruby Was waar het er nogal gortig aan toe ging, en als ik me niet vergis heeft Michael Moore er ook ooit eens een reportage aan geweid. Vies mens.