Tag: visualization

  • Links van 27 maart 2019 tot 29 maart 2019

    The Day the Dinosaurs Died | The New Yorker“We have the whole KT event preserved in these sediments,” DePalma said. “With this deposit, we can chart what happened the day the Cretaceous died.” No paleontological site remotely like it had ever been found, and, if DePalma’s hypothesis proves correct, the scientific value of the site…

  • Links van 10 december 2018 tot 20 december 2018

    2018: When VS Code Eclipsed Visual Studio IDE — Visual Studio MagazineAs unlikely as it would seem, providing a free, performant and versatile code editor was probably a requirement for Microsoft to complete its journey to open source advocate. Random UO anecdote #2 – Raph’s WebsiteIn Ultima Online, horses were pants and players were maps…

  • Links van 25 maart 2018 tot 15 mei 2018

    Drupal takes on risky admin interface renewal to catch up with WordPress | Drupal ShellIt is sad to see that the gradual adoption plan was switched to chase down shiny technology, without good thought on the long term effects on the community. With the original monolithic model of Drupal, falling out of favour it no longer…

  • Links van 14 oktober 2017 tot 17 oktober 2017

    One person’s history of Twitter, from beginning to endTwitter was built at the tail end of that era. Their goal was giving everyone a voice. They were so obsessed with giving everyone a voice that they never stopped to wonder what would happen when everyone got one. And they never asked themselves what everyone meant.…

  • Links van 14 februari 2017 tot 16 februari 2017

    Is het nieuwe rijexamen moeilijker? Onze man met 33 jaar rij… – Het NieuwsbladBinnenkort wordt het rijexamen een stuk moeilijker en zal onder meer het lot bepalen welke van de zes manoeuvres je voortaan zal moeten uitvoeren. En dat maakte onze man met 33 jaar rijervaring nieuwsgierig. “ Ik leg 35.000 kilometer per jaar af…

  • Links van 29 februari 2016 tot 1 maart 2016

    Dissolving the Dead · thewalrus.ca DALE HILTON can show you fear in a bagful of dust: 160 pounds of once-living human, pressure-cooked, baked, and pulverized into soft white powder fine enough to sprinkle over French toast. The ground bones sit in clear plastic on a counter, next to a pacemaker, a false hip, and a pair…

  • Links van 22 december 2014 tot 23 december 2014

    A Lost 1996 Interview with David Foster Wallace — MediumIn February 1996, David Foster Wallace came to Boston. He was the not-quite recognized writer of the massive book, Infinite Jest, which was just beginning to capture the attention of reviewers, readers and a generation of writers. Christopher Lydon interviewed David Foster Wallace on The Connection…

  • Links van 6 november 2014 tot 8 november 2014

    ‘Er zijn er die punker worden, ik werd de Marokkaan’ – De Standaard‘Ik krijg media-aandacht omdat ik Marokkaan ben. En ik gebruik dat. Keihard. Het zou dom zijn om dat niet te doen. Daarom gaan onze eerste twee films ook over allochtonen. Het zou heel lastig worden als we gewoon een Vlaamsch verhaal hadden gemaakt.…

  • Links van 24 juni 2014 tot 26 juni 2014

    The Elephant was a Trojan Horse: On the Death of Map-Reduce at Google : Paper TrailMap-Reduce is on its way out. But we shouldn’t measure its importance in the number of bytes it crunches, but the fundamental shift in data processing architectures it helped popularise. This morning, at their I/O Conference, Google revealed that they’re…

  • Links van 7 april 2014 tot 10 april 2014

    Giving Away Our Recommendation Engine for Free | Mortar Blog | Data Science at ScaleWhat’s better than a recommendation engine that’s free? A recommendation engine that is both awesome and free. Today, we’re announcing General Availability for the Mortar Recommendation Engine. Designed by Mortar’s engineers and top data science advisors, it produces personalized recommendations at…

  • Links van 5 september 2012 tot 29 november 2012

    corsix-th – Open source clone of Theme Hospital – Google Project HostingThis project aims to reimplement the game engine of Theme Hospital, with the capability of loading assets including graphics and levels from the original game. Revenge of the Reality-Based Community | The American ConservativeI know that it’s unattractive and bad form to say “I told…

  • Links van 9 mei 2012 tot 12 mei 2012

    Gamasutra – News – In-depth: Is it time for a text game revival?In a market where books and games are close rivals for the most popular category on app stores, what happens when today's new gamers are hungry for something more than word puzzles? Datavisualization.ch Selected Tools RUDI: Bookshelf: Classics: Christopher Alexander: A city is…

  • Links van 7 maart 2012 tot 12 maart 2012

    Improv Everywhere – Spinning Beach Ball of Death – YouTubeIt's rare that two obnoxious phenomena completely jump the shark at the same time. Striptekenaar Jean Giraud/Moebius overleden – De StandaardMet de dood van de Franse stripmaker Jean Giraud, die ook publiceerde als Moebius, verliest Europa een van zijn invloedrijkste auteurs. U.S. Warns Apple, Publishers on…

  • Links van 23 december 2011 tot 26 december 2011

    Ready, Set, Render! Part2In the previous "Ready, Set, Render!" thread, I demonstrated the use of BPR when rendering a 'hard-surface' model. This time, I opted to demonstrate the use of Z4R2b BPR for rendering an organic surface, in particular, a skin surface. For this test, I used an excellent head sculpt created by ZBrush artist…

  • Links voor 22 mei 2011

    Social Games vs Multiplayer Games: A Commentary on Raph Koster’s Social Mechanics PresentationI thought that since I’m not at GDC, it might be interesting to write a review-from-afar. I looked at the core of his ideas, many of which center around cooperative gameplay, then raised questions over whether they were appropriate to the social game…