• Leve Kardinaal Danneels! Kardinaal Godfried

    Leve Kardinaal Danneels!

    Kardinaal Godfried Danneels verzet zich allerduidelijkst tegen een Amerikaanse oorlog in Irak. Daarmee sluit hij zich aan bij de stellingname van het Vaticaan. De Verenigde Staten bouwen intussen hun troepenmacht rond de Perzische Golf verder op.

    De kardinaal was in De zevende dag niet verkeerd te begrijpen: “Een preventieve oorlog in Irak is in geen enkel opzicht te rechtvaardigen.”

    De kardinaal zei dat er in het verleden al veel en lang is nagedacht over de moraliteit van een oorlog — en dat toen al bleek dat oorlog alleen in uiterste omstandigheden een optie is. “Daarom is het toch eigenaardig dat men nu wil nadenken over de moraliteit van een preventieve oorlog. Straks komt daar nog de preventie van een preventieve oorlog bij. Dit moet toch evident zijn: men maakt geen oorlog.”

    Opvallend was dat de kardinaal zich even fors afzette tegen president Bush’ zinnetje “God bless America” na elke toespraak vol oorlogsretoriek. “Onaanvaardbaar”, noemde de kardinaal dat. [De Standaard]

  • Well, duh!

    Calling into question the current medical belief that diet does not affect acne, a new report suggests that regularly eating breads, cakes, chips and other staples of Western culture may promote the skin condition. [via Reuters Health eLine]

  • Ugh.


  • Zouden ze in Engelsmansland ook

    Zouden ze in Engelsmansland ook Impulse gehad hebben? Soudain, un inconnu vous offre des fleurs… ça, c’est l’effet magique d’impulse!

  • It gets worse: nu blijf

    It gets worse: nu blijf ik nog eens wakker voor I Love 1981 ook. En ik heb dat al allemaal gezien!

  • Taquitos.net. The Crunchiest Site On

    Taquitos.net. The Crunchiest Site On The Net. Reviews van het lijkt wel honderden soorten chips en dingen.

  • File under “Good advice, not

    File under “Good advice, not taken”.

    This be the verse

    They fuck you up, your mum and dad,
    they may not mean to, but they do.
    They fill you with the faults they had,
    and add some extra, just for you.

    But they were fucked up in their turn,
    by fools, in old style hats and coats,
    who half the time were sorry stern,
    and half at one anothers’ throats.

    Man hands on misery to man,
    it broadens like a coastal shelf.
    So get out as quickly as you can,
    and don’t have any kids yourself.

                               – Philip Larkin

  • Gentlemen, set your phasers to

    Gentlemen, set your phasers to cringe!

    Nog eens The Office. En zou ik opblijven voor Buzzcocks? Ik vrees van wel.

  • Morgen laatste dag werk en

    Morgen laatste dag werk en ’t is vakantie.

  • Coffee, Tea, or Should We

    Coffee, Tea, or Should We Feel Your Pregnant Wife?s Breasts Before Throwing You in a Cell at the Airport and Then Lying About Why We Put You There?

    America is serieus fucked up aan het worden.

  • Ik wil een TabletPC. Een

    Ik wil een TabletPC. Een goeie. En dan Alias|Wavefront Sketchbook. En over Alias gesproken: daarjuist in Maya 4.5 mijn eerst rendering gemaakt 🙂

    Da’s nog eens een mooie uitdaging, goed leren werken in Maya vandevakantie. Ha, Pointless-Pursuits-R-Us.

  • Tee hee. Ikea = unböring.

    Tee hee. Ikea = unböring.

  • Truth in advertising of wat?

    Truth in advertising of wat? De kerstkaart van Neil Gaiman (“Nicholas was…”) wordt als volgt beschreven op Things From Another World:

    Just in time for those early Holiday shoppers, Dark Horse Maverick is pleased to offer the “Nicholas Was” Christmas Card! Beautifully painted by award-winning artist Michael Zulli (The Last Temptation), open the card and you’ll find Neil Gaiman’s bleakly charming Yuletide vignette “Nicholas Was. . .” from his short story collection Smoke and Mirrors. Bound in cellophane with six identical cards and envelopes to a bundle, these cards are sure to chase the gloom away from any Scrooge’s heart.

    Sure to chase the gloom away!? Het verhaaltje van Gaiman is één van zijn typische andere kijken op bekende gegevens (zoals Snow Glass Apples over Sneeuwwitje), speciaal geschreven voor zijn eigen kerstkaartje een paar jaar geleden, en juist 100 woorden lang:

    Nicholas was…

    older than sin, and his beard could grow no whiter. He wanted to die.

    The dwarfish natives of the Arctic caverns did not speak his language, but conversed in their own, twittering tongue, conducted incomprehensible rituals, when they were not actually working in the factories.

    Once every year they forced him, sobbing and protesting, into ENDLESS NIGHT. During the journey he would stand near every child in the world, leave one of the dwarves’ invisible gifts by its bedside. The children slept, frozen into time.

    He envied Prometheus and Loki, Sisyphus and Judas. His punishment was harder.




  • Interessant: ichthyosaurussen voor beginners door Ryosuke Motani.

  • Schoolbooks are flubbing facts. Texts

    Schoolbooks are flubbing facts. Texts filled with errors and political correctness. Politiek correct zijn, allemaal goed en wel, maar de mensen kunnen overdrijven:

    Stripped of relevant passages to avoid giving the slightest offense to anyone. Gail Stein, a French teacher at Long Island City High School in Queens, is the author of several popular French textbooks that deal with Gallic staples ? perfume, Champagne, chocolate mousse.

    Then her publisher started getting complaints: Perfume was deemed sexist; not all women use it. A line about “bubbles in a glass of Champagne” might foster underage drinking. So out went the bubbly and all other offending references.

    When “French is Fun” was released, one woman complained that using cognac in mousse would encourage drunkenness. So Stein’s editors at Amsco School Publications asked her to change the next edition.

    Aan de andere kant, ze kunnen ook overdrijven in de andere richting:

    Watered-down definitions of jihad

    The word means “holy war.” It refers to armed warfare against infidels to extend Islam’s realm, and most Americans know it as what Osama Bin Laden declared on the U.S. before killing its citizens en masse.

    Houghton Mifflin’s “Across the Centuries,” a 2003 social studies textbook used in Queens and Staten Island, sees it differently.

    “An Islamic term that is often misunderstood is jihad,” it says on page 64. “The term means ’to struggle,’ to do one’s best to resist temptation and overcome evil.” The struggle “may require action,” and the Koran allows “self-defense and participation in military conflict, but restricts it to the right to defend against aggression and persecution.”

    Said Bennetta, “They make jihadists sound like innocents doing their best to resist a second serving of ice cream.”

    Uiteraard heeft Houghton Mifflin gelijk:

    The word Jihad means striving. In its primary sense it is an inner thing, within self, to rid it from debased actions or inclinations, and exercise constancy and perseverance in achieving a higher moral standard. Since Islam is not confined to the boundaries of the individual but extends to the welfare of society and humanity in general, an individual cannot keep improving himself/herself in isolation from what happens in their community or in the world at large, hence the Quranic injunction to the Islamic nation to take as a duty “to enjoin good and forbid evil.” (3:104) It is a duty which is not exclusive to Muslims but applies to the human race who are, according to the Quran, God’s vicegerent on earth. Muslims, however, cannot shirk it even if others do. The means to fulfil it are varied, and in our modern world encompass all legal, diplomatic, arbitrative, economic, and political instruments. But Islam does not exclude the use of force to curb evil, if there is no other workable alternative. A forerunner of the collective security principle and collective intervention to stop aggression, at least in theory, as manifested in the United Nations Charter, is the Quranic reference “..make peace between them (the two fighting groups), but if one of the two persists in aggression against the other, fight the aggressors until they revert to God’s commandment.” (49:9) [Bron]