According to leading condom

According to leading condom experts, you put the condom on after your dick is hard but before you stick it in your casual sex partners. I hope that clears things up. [Dan Savage via reverse cowgirl]

Hilariteit! Eigenlijk zowel bij Dan Savage als bij reverse cowgirl.

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radio free blogistan, i salute you

RFB found a superfreakin’ cool Fetish Roadmap care of Rebecca Blood, who i had previously mocked for collecting vintage linen in her spare-time. spank my fanny twice, Rebecca! this shit is totally cool!

the map lives at Deviant Desires, the online home of Katharine Gates, Head Femme of Fetishism and author of Deviant Desires: Incredibly Strange Sex, which is, like, a must-have for anyone who has ever wanted to hump ballons or impersonate a pony during sex.

this map takes you through the suburbs of everything from crush freaks to sneeze fetishists to amputee devotees to those who love to wet their knickers!

the possibilities really are endless when you hit the road to randiness with this map in your sticky hands.