Categorie: Links
Links van 1 november 2018 tot 6 november 2018
How Toto’s ‘Africa’ Became the New ‘Don’t Stop Believin’ – Rolling StoneNothing sums up 2018 like the fact that Toto’s “Africa” has become our unofficial anthem. It’s a song that’s ridiculous by definition — an Eighties ode to Africa by a bunch of L.A. rock dudes who’d never set foot in the place. But something…
Links voor 31 oktober 2018
Medium just doesn’t work – Davide Mastromatteo – MediumThe medium platform just doesn’t pay the authors. Probably they expect the authors to keep writing great posts for free, like if writing for Medium would be a rewarding experience on its own.You may say that you just need to subscribe to the «partner program» if you…
Links voor 30 oktober 2018
Trolling the Monster in the Heart of the Milky Way – The New York TimesIn a dark, dusty patch of sky in the constellation Sagittarius, a small star, known as S2 or, sometimes, S0-2, cruises on the edge of eternity. Every 16 years, it passes within a cosmic whisker of a mysterious dark object that…
Links van 21 oktober 2018 tot 27 oktober 2018
Google’s Night Sight for Pixel phones will amaze you – The Vergethis new night mode makes any Pixel phone that uses it the best low-light camera. Movies | Halloween Flix Trek at 50: The quest for a unifying theory of time travel in Star Trek | Ars TechnicaIt's 2016, meaning we now have many examples…
Links van 10 oktober 2018 tot 17 oktober 2018
Tend | Blog – Facebook lied about their ad analytics and it’s not the biggest problemA new class-action lawsuit claims that the video analytics numbers were actually inflated by 150% – 900%. Worse yet, Facebook didn't disclose the "miscalculation" for over a year after they found out about it. This Hilarious Optical Illusion for Birds…
Links van 5 oktober 2018 tot 8 oktober 2018
Why the world’s flight paths are such a messsIf you think flying from A to B is a matter of plotting the most direct path between two places, think again. Security and political issues determine flight paths, and ticket prices far more than considerations about an airline’s carbon footprint What Makes ‘The Good Place’ So…
Links van 4 oktober 2018 tot 5 oktober 2018
Why Are Enterprises So Slow? – zwischenzugsHave you ever found yourself saying things like: Why are enterprises so slow? How do they decide what to buy? Why is it so hard to deliver things in an enterprise? I worked for a large ‘enterprise’ organisation for a few years trying to deliver infrastructure software change, and…
Links van 2 oktober 2018 tot 3 oktober 2018
The Dangers of YouTube for Young Children – The AtlanticThe platform’s entertainment for children is weirder—and more globalized—than adults could have expected. Night terrors: what do anxiety dreams mean? | Life and style | The GuardianThese are anxious times – but how does this affect our sleep, and what can we learn from the exam…
Links van 19 september 2018 tot 25 september 2018
Meet AlvaAlva lets you design interactive products based on components engineered by your developers. Gent is de jobkampioen – De StandaardGeen enkele gemeente in Vlaanderen heeft er de voorbije jaren meer jobs zien bijkomen als Gent. De Oost-Vlamingen kloppen Antwerpen. Your calendrical fallacy is thinking…Helping you navigate the insane complexity of calendrically correct date and…
Links van 15 september 2018 tot 17 september 2018
I Quit my Job to Pursue my Passion—& my Life Fell Apart. | elephant journalSome people have a singular passion. They know it, they discover it, and they follow it. Some of us…do not. When I get asked questions like, “What’s the one thing that makes you jump out of bed in the morning?” I…
Links van 9 september 2018 tot 14 september 2018
Git pretty — justin hileman dot infoThis chart is from the presentation Changing History, or How to Git Pretty. Check it out to learn how to use this IRL. So…What Do I Make? (Dan Mall)Oud maar goed: "Reports are in from Twitter, Medium, and the like; we can’t make full comps, use Photoshop, or even utter…
Links van 29 augustus 2018 tot 7 september 2018
Niet Hitler maar Breivik is het model voor Schild en Vrienden – Jan Blommaert (en z’n gedachten)Wie de laatste dagen aandachtig heeft gekeken naar wat over Schild en Vrienden naar buiten is gekomen ziet snel waar ze de mosterd hebben gehaald. Niet bij het VNV van de jaren 1930, en evenmin bij het VMO van…
Links van 25 augustus 2018 tot 28 augustus 2018
Microsoft will soon automatically transcribe video files in OneDrive for Office 365 subscribers | TechCrunch yay! Luke’s Surprising and Oft-Ignored Views on Marriage and Resurrection | Is That in the Bible? Of all possible guests at a society wedding, an apocryphal Apostle was the worst. ‘Parkeren in Gent en Antwerpen is veel te goedkoop’ –…
Links voor 23 augustus 2018
Je mag tegenwoordig niks meer © Wannes Daemen We zijn geen racisten, we zijn geen vrouwenhaters. Maar onze gedragingen en tradities hebben wel racistische of vrouwonvriendelijke kantjes. Als we dat durven zien, dan zal er ongetwijfeld een en ander veranderen aan wat we doen en zeggen. Google Web Designer Create engaging, interactive HTML5-based designs and…
Links van 18 augustus 2018 tot 22 augustus 2018
Stage 9 | A virtual recreation of the Star Trek TNG sets in Unreal Engine 4The aim of the Stage 9 project is to recreate the entirety (inside and out) of the Enterprise-D from Star Trek The Next Generation in Unreal Engine 4 with a focus on attention to detail. The eventual goal is to…