I love it when interviewees

I love it when interviewees get personal:

For you, is it an open question as to whether the low chronology is correct, or are you certain it?s correct?

I am certain.

This is very technical material. I think what our readers would like to know is why so many senior …

You are stepping into a trap. I?m warning you. […]

I wonder if you would explain your position.

First of all, you, Hershel, play a major role in the incitement. You have to admit this. You play a really important role in inciting people against each other. I respect and have respected a lot of what you have done throughout the years. But there are points that I don?t respect. You know exactly what they are. We have known each other long enough to know where we disagree. The only problem in the last year or two has been that I felt that the disagreement between the two of us got a twist into a hostile direction that really surprised me.