• Sofie is aan het bevallen.

    Sofie is aan het bevallen. Ze heeft om kwart na vijf vanmorgen gebeld dat het zover was (en eigenlijk wel ruim op tijd, ik denk dat ze al meer dan een week overtijd was), Sandra is nu naar Oudenaarde om op Emil te passen, we zien dan wel wanneer ze thuis komt. Ik zou vandaag eens langs Sint-Denijs kunnen passeren, eens vragen of het past.

    En gisteren heb ik niet verder kunnen lezen in Harry Potter: boodschappen doen, en dan ’s avonds samen gekeken naar de tweede DVD van seizoen twee van The West Wing. En dus zit ik nog maar aan pagina 207. Nog 559 te gaan vandaag.

  • Potter

    Went & bought new Harry Potter. Also: 6.1 stereo system for computer. Will not be back at said computer until Harry Potter is finished.


  • Harry Potter and the Order

    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is toegekomen.

    We gaan nu boodschappen doen, en dan stop ik niet met lezen tot het boek uit is.


  • Al dat manueel werk, echt

    Al dat manueel werk, echt niet proper.

  • Oef. Alle huizenfoto’s en plannen

    Oef. Alle huizenfoto’s en plannen en bouwaanvragen en alles zitten erin.

  • Otto e mezzo. Wonderlijke film.

    Otto e mezzo. Wonderlijke film. Stom dat ze hem pas zo laat uitzenden.

  • Bush “professional fascist”

    New Zealand’s TV3 unexpectedly put on a graphic that described President George Bush as a “professional fascist” for a few seconds during primetime news.

    The real graphic was supposed to announce an upcoming weather report.

    TV3 spokesman Roger Beaumont said the network was thoroughly investigating the mislabelled graphic.

    “It was an absolute case of human error. The fact that it made it to air was extremely unfortunate and we apologise for any offence that may have been taken.

    “What I can assure you is that it was a completely unintentional mistake.”

    The TV station apologises for the incidence, and don’t rule out diciplinary action against whoever is responsible. Even though it was completely unintentional. Sure! 

    [Secular Blasphemy]

  • It’s getting better all the time

    Then again: couldn’t, to be honest, get no worse.
    Still. Good thing things are getting better.

  • Test image


  • It’s getting better all the

    It’s getting better all the time.

    Then again: couldn’t, to be honest, get no worse.

    Maar toch goed.

  • Whoa baby!

    Swedish bands!

  • Harry Potter

    Yeah yeah yeah. So I pre-ordered my Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix at Amazon like the rest of the world.

    They’re really good books, don’t get me wrong. But surely they’re not that good, are they? They’re not Moby Dick good. They’re not even, in my opinion, Terry Pratchett good.

    Whatever–I’m definitely curious to see if the fifth book is any good. I’ve had my grubby little paws on a bootleg internet version (hasn’t everybody?), but I refuse to believe that the 333 pages of drivel I’ve read the first few chapters of was the Real McCoy.

    “The electric fire flew across the room” is one sentence Rowling’s just read on TV in the Jeremy Paxman interview, and that’s not in there. So that settles that.

    I found the last book predictable in its inpredictability. Erm. If that makes sense at all.

    Oh well. One more day and we’ll know everything. I think I’ll have a quick look to see the status of my order at Amazon.

  • Cue violins. Euh, envoyez les

    Cue violins.

    Euh, envoyez les violons bedoel ik.

    “Koppen” over progeriakindjes. Allemaal samen: och here die kindjes. Nee serieus, echt vies, maar bah zo’n tranendinges, toch een beetje eikes. Emo-tv, ugh.

  • Whoa baby! Swedish bands!

    Whoa baby!
    Swedish bands!

  • The Girl Cooties Theory of

    The Girl Cooties Theory of Genre Literature. Tee hee.

    Connie Willis, on the other hand, has to bring in the Blitz and the Black Death just to keep the girl cooties from crawling out of the gutter margins of her novels and taking over the whole enterprise.

    Connie Willis is serieus goed trouwens. De mens heeft het over respectievelijk Fire Watch en Doomsday Book, alletwee over tijdreizen, naar St. Paul’s Cathedral in WOII in Fire Watch en naar Engeland in 1348 voor Doomsday Book.

    Vreemd met Connie Willis. Mensen vinden het ofwel zeer goed, ofwel zeer slecht. Kijk maar naar de reviews van Doomsday Book op Amazon.com.