• Yeah yeah yeah. So I

    Yeah yeah yeah. So I pre-ordered my Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix at Amazon like the rest of the world.

    They’re really good books, don’t get me wrong. But surely they’re not that good, are they? They’re not Moby Dick good. They’re not even, in my opinion, Terry Pratchett good.

    Whatever–I’m definitely curious to see if the fifth book is any good. I’ve had my grubby little paws on a bootleg internet version (hasn’t everybody?), but I refuse to believe that the 333 pages of drivel I’ve read the first few chapters of was the Real McCoy.

    “The electric fire flew across the room” is one sentence Rowling’s just read on TV in the Jeremy Paxman interview, and that’s not in there. So that settles that.

    I found the last book predictable in its inpredictability. Erm. If that makes sense at all.

    Oh well. One more day and we’ll know everything. I think I’ll have a quick look to see the status of my order at Amazon.

  • Ha! De vorige eigenaars van

    Ha! De vorige eigenaars van ons huis. Hier zie je ook duidelijk dat het ergens tussen 1495 en 1563 omgebouwd is van een klein huusekin (een deur en een venster breed of zo) naar een huus (met twee vensters en een deur op het gelijkvloers).

    Wel grappig, als van een huis kan gezegd worden dat de heer en mevrouw Grielkins het gekocht hebben in 14 18, en dat het jaar veertienhonderdachttien bedoeld wordt, niet de oorlog.

    • 1325-1360: Heinric den Wulslagere, lakenhandelaar

    • 1360-1370: Jan de Poertere

    • 1370-1418: Wed. Jan de Poortere (voor de helft) en Lieven van Eghelen (andere helft), Pieter Geeraerts

    • 1418-1442: Bate en Lievin Grielkins samen met Willen vanden Borgh, Timmerman

    • 1442-1495: Cotidiane van St-Jacobskerk en Pieter Rufaert, Jan de Rose, Pieter Bruyhaert, Martin Coolman, Kathelyne Coolman

    • 1495-1563 (“Huusekin”): Pieter Temmerman, Jan vander Maeren, Franchois van Hese, Margriete sMoors (de Moor)

    • 1563-1582 (“Huus”): Lievin Persivale, Jan Kinssins, Lieven vander Venne

    • 1582-1642: Lieven vander Venne, Jan Parys, Loys Meirschaut, Jan Martyn

    • 1642-1700: Jan Martyn, Cornelis Martyn, Anthone Maertyn, Cicilia Martyn (+ 1699)

    • 1700-1733: Johannes Bellemans (eigenaar van de Pelikaan)

    • 1733-1781: Agatha Bellemans x J. de Lampreel

    • 1781-1828: Baron de Zinzerling (woonde aan de Prinsenhof)

    • 1828- : Juffr. Gillis (ook eigenares van nr. 16)

    Na 1830 zijn de eigenaars te vinden in het kadaster, ik heb dat ooit ook eens opgezocht.

  • Hierzie, Temptation Island fans.

    Hierzie, Temptation Island fans.

  • Mijn cola is weer bijgevuld,

    Mijn cola is weer bijgevuld, heelder anderhalve liters Cola Light Lemon (jawel!).

    En ik voel mij totaal ongerechtvaardigd hilarisch, alsof er niets aan de hand zou zijn.

  • Trackback?

    I have no idea either how trackback is supposed to work. Perhaps it’s just not working yet in this beta?

  • image test


    test image mozilla

  • Demo woes

    So we’re through to the final round for this 1 million euro contract. That’s the good news.

    The bad news: we have just about six days to prepare a demo for the client. And the demo should do (really do, demonstrably do, not powerpointware “do”) everything the final project should do. Which is not due for another nine months.

    We are not amused. To which I might add: I smell a fish.

    Ha! Good thing this weblog isn’t public!

  • VPN

    Drat. Forgot to check if the VPN works. Again.

  • Images, whee!

    Let me try this again…

    images/stp1 images/stp2


  • Good heavens

    Maryam Radjavi, a leader of one of the Iraqi opposition group has been arrested in Paris.
    Result: Mrs. Average Iraqi 55 Year Old Woman protests, placards of “Free Maryam Now”, some chanting, the usual yadda yadda.

    And then one of the women set fire to herself. And a few hours later, another.

    Ugh. And they vowed they would all commit suicide as long as their leader was not freed.

    Women make awful fanatics.

  • I misunderestimated TP

    Silly me. This function existed in TypePad:


    Upload file, choose an image, and you can automatically create a thumbnail with a link to the full image.

    This feature in itself would be grounds for me to switch everything I have over to TP. I’m not kidding. I’m quite sick & tired of doing the exact same thing by hand 🙂

  • 900 ft

    Drat. Here I am with two diamond cases of MC 900 ft Jesus’ Welcome To My Dream and nil CDs of same.

    I hate it when that happens.

  • Vergaderingen vergaderingen. En mijn cola

    Vergaderingen vergaderingen. En mijn cola is op.

  • Drat. Here I am with

    Drat. Here I am with two diamond cases of MC 900 ft Jesus’ Welcome To My Dream and nil CDs of same.

    I hate it when that happens.

  • Action: Maryam Radjavi, a leader

    Action: Maryam Radjavi, a leader of one of the Iraqi opposition groups has been arrested in Paris.
    Reaction: Mrs. Average Iraqi 55 Year Old Woman protests, placards of “Free Maryam Now”, some chanting, the usual yadda yadda.

    And then one of the women set fire to herself. And a few hours later, another.

    Ugh. And they vowed they would all commit suicide as long as their leader was not freed.

    Women make awful fanatics.