Links van 25 december 2013 tot 28 december 2013

MAME 0.151 ROMs : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
43 gigabyte MAME roms!!!

Study exposes acupuncture as pseudoscience via
Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years — but that doesn't mean it actually works. A new study published online in the journal Cancer suggests that any relief acupuncture brings may be the result of a placebo effect.

Wine-tasting: it’s junk science | Life and style | The Observer
Experiments have shown that people can't tell plonk from grand cru. Now one US winemaker claims that even experts can't judge wine accurately. What's the science behind the taste?

Half an operating system: The triumph and tragedy of OS/2 via
It was a cloudy Seattle day in late 1980, and Bill Gates, the young chairman of a tiny company called Microsoft, had an appointment with IBM that would shape the destiny of the industry for decades to come. He went into a room full of IBM lawyers, all dressed in immaculately tailored suits. Bill’s suit was rumpled and ill-fitting, but it didn’t matter. He wasn’t here to win a fashion competition.

A Hobbyist Challenges Papers on Growth of Dinosaurs –
A dinosaur hobbyist who made his name as a Microsoft multimillionaire published a scientific paper on Monday alleging “serious errors and irregularities” in dinosaur research involving some of the world’s top paleontologists. The accuser is Nathan P. Myhrvold, a former chief technology officer at Microsoft who is well known in the worlds of avant-garde cuisine and patent law.