One person’s history of Twitter, from beginning to end
Twitter was built at the tail end of that era. Their goal was giving everyone a voice. They were so obsessed with giving everyone a voice that they never stopped to wonder what would happen when everyone got one. And they never asked themselves what everyone meant. That’s Twitter’s original sin. Like Oppenheimer, Twitter was so obsessed with splitting the atom they never stopped to think what we’d do with it.
North Korea: Where can its missiles reach? – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Just how much of the world is at potential risk?
@20 (
I'm in the middle right now. Young company, young kids, unfinished book, 40s, sore back, facing bariatric uncertainties and paying down the mortgage. 20 years is arbitrary nonsense. A blip. Our software is bullshit, our literary essays are too long, the good editors all quit or got fired, hardly anyone is experimenting with form in a way that wakes me up, the IDEs haven't caught up with the 1970s, the R&D budgets are weak, the little zines are badly edited, the tweets are poor, the short stories make no sense, people still care too much about magazines, the Facebook posts are nightmares, LinkedIn has ruined capitalism, and the big tech companies that have arisen are exhausting, lumbering gold-thirsty kraken that swim around with sour looks on their face wondering why we won't just give them all our gold and save the time. With every flap of their terrible fins they squash another good idea in the interest of consolidating pablum into a single database, the better to jam it down our mental baby duck feeding tubes in order to make even more of the cognitive paté that Silicon Valley is at pains to proclaim a delicacy. Social media is veal calves being served tasty veal. In the spirit of this thing I won't be editing this paragraph.
Koninklijke Munt stopt met munten slaan | BRUZZ
Minister van Financiën Johan Van Overtveldt (N-VA) gaf als reden dat door de komst van de euro en de toename van elektronische betalingen er minder euromunten nodig zijn en dat de Europese Commissie erop aandringt om muntoverschotten van andere Europese landen over te nemen. “In Duitsland, dat vijf munthuizen heeft, en Frankrijk is er een overproductie,” zegt André Toujour, afgevaardigde van de onafhankelijke vakbond Nuod. “Ik vraag me dan af: waarom werd er niet beter onderhandeld?” Ook Nederland heeft een overschot aan kleine rosse centjes sinds alle bedragen daar afgerond worden. Al enige tijd worden voorraden van 1-eurocentjes overgekocht en moet de Belgische Munt, in plaats van zelf munten te slaan, de oude centjes van onze noorderburen opnieuw verpakken.
Penguins starving to death is a sign that something’s very wrong in the Antarctic | John Sauven | Opinion | The Guardian
The awful news that all but two penguin chicks have starved to death out of a colony of almost 40,000 birds is a grim illustration of the enormous pressure Antarctic wildlife is under. The causes of this devastating event are complex, from a changing climate to local sea-ice factors, but one thing penguins, whales and other marine life don’t need is additional strain on food supplies.