The Alleged $7.5 Billion Fraud in Online Advertising – Moz
The only way to reduce wasted impressions significantly is to research and implement digital ad campaigns manually rather than use programmatic ad buying. Digital advertisers should research potential websites on which they want to run advertisements to see if they are legitimate—potentially even running ads on only the largest, well-known sites but doing so continuously. This way, it might be best to focus your ad campaigns on quality viewers rather than trying to maximize the quantity of viewers by also including lesser-known sites.
Lead Bullets – Ben’s Blog
Early in my tenure as product manager for the web servers at Netscape, we faced a terrible crisis. We just got our hands on Microsoft’s new web server, Internet Information Server (IIS), and benchmarked against our product. Microsoft’s IIS had every feature that we had, was five times faster and we knew that they were going to give it away for free. This might not sound so bad, but we had just gone public three months earlier with a story to Wall Street that said, “Don’t worry about Microsoft giving away the browser because we will make money selling servers.” Oh snap.
Greece crisis could be a Sarajevo moment for the eurozone | Business | The Guardian
It will be said in response that Greece is a small, insignificant country and that the single currency has much better defences than it had at the last moment of acute trouble in the summer of 2012. Diplomats in Europe’s capitals took very much the same view in late June 1914.
Europe’s Empress stays silent – POLITICO
When Greece first called on Europe to save it from collapse in 2010, Merkel faced a stark choice: follow the advice of the world’s leading economists and offer Athens a path to debt relief in exchange for reform or heed the demands of her center-right coalition by extending loans at punitive interest rates with no debt forgiveness.
Merkel, with a PhD in physics and a reputation for cool calculation, chose politics over economic reason. That strategy now lays in shambles.
L’UE n’a pas d’argent pour la Grèce, mais a 11 milliards d’Euros pour un pays non membre, l’Ukraine. Victoria Nuland avait eu raison, « F**K the EU » | Réseau International
Alors que la Grèce demande un accord avec l’Europe et que l’Union européenne, la bave aux lèvres, impose encore plus d’austérité paralysante à un autre de ses membres… Bruxelles n’a aucun problème pour distribuer des milliards pour un état non membre, l’Ukraine. Le plus drôle, c’est que la Grèce, l’Espagne, le Portugal et d’autres pays touchés par l’économie de la Troïka de l’UE devront débourser pour les néo-nazis ukrainiens. Imaginez si les milliards généreusement octroyés par une UE corrompue à une Ukraine encore plus corrompue, étaient plutôt utilisés pour stimuler la croissance dans une Europe appauvrie.