• Links van 26 mei 2018 tot 27 mei 2018

    Opinion | How to Survive Your 40s – The New York Times
    Indeed, the strangest part of the 40s is that we’re now the ones attending parent-teacher conferences and cooking the turkey on Thanksgiving. These days, when I think, “Someone should really do something about that,” I realize with alarm that that “someone” is me.

    She Married 3 Brothers in Family Torn by Afghan War – The New York Times
    Khadija is 18 now, just a year older than the Afghan war itself, and she has already been married three times — to three brothers. One was a Taliban insurgent, killed fighting the United States Marines. One was a policeman, killed fighting the Taliban. One was an interpreter for the Marines who is now hunted by the Taliban, who have threatened to kill him and his infant son.

    How 99 strangers in a Dublin hotel broke Ireland’s abortion deadlock | World news | The Guardian
    In all, it took five weekends. But at the end of it, they voted for change. In doing so, they did not just pave the way for an abortion referendum in May, details of which were announced today. They showed the world what democrats can do with a little imagination.

    The GDPR blog post – TSEngineering – Medium
    The more I worked with GDPR the more I appreciated it. The effect of this legislation was never pushing us to do things that felt wrong. Quite the opposite. It was forcing us to think more about our interactions with people and to be careful about how we treated them. I would be very wary of a company who claims this legislation is onerous. It is potentially life threatening to companies who do very shady things without your consent. That much is true. That is the entire point.

    Latest World & National News & Headlines – USATODAY.com
    Heerlijk: niet één tracker of reclameding. En dus verblindend snel. Welcome to USA TODAY NETWORK’S EUROPEAN UNION EXPERIENCE.


  • Hoezee! Een vierde seizoen!

    The Expanse komt terug!



  • Links van 23 mei 2018 tot 25 mei 2018

    Israeli court approves razing West Bank Bedouin village | World news | The Guardian
    Israel’s supreme court has ruled in favour of demolishing a Palestinian Bedouin village in the occupied West Bank, despite a campaign by European governments to save it. The court ruled that the village was built without the relevant building permits. Such permits are nearly impossible to obtain for Palestinians in Israeli-controlled areas of the West Bank. Earlier on Thursday, Israel’s defence minister, Avigdor Lieberman, announced 2,500 new settlement units in the West Bank. All settlements are considered illegal under international law.

    Israel bill seeks to criminalise documentation of soldiers’ actions – Middle East Monitor
    Mhu? "The Israeli Ministerial Committee for Legislation will discuss, Sunday, a bill that would prohibit the documentation of Israeli soldiers’ human rights violations against Palestinian citizens."

    Juist de Palestijnen moeten zich verdedigen – De Standaard
    Er is geen tussenweg. Men kan niet voor zowel de Palestijnse kant als de Israëlische kant begrip opbrengen en beide deels gelijk geven, aangezien het onweerlegbaar is wie de agressor is. We vinden zulks vanzelfsprekend als het over verhoudingen tussen slachtoffer en dader gaat die ver achter ons liggen. De slavenhandel, de kinderarbeid, Hiroshima, Dresden, de Vietnamoorlog, de val van Allende. Stuk voor stuk onderwerpen die twee zijden hadden in de toenmalige media, maar intussen op voldoende historische afstand staan om elementair moreel fatsoen de overhand te geven op de objectiviteit van de twee kanten. Niemand die vandaag de Apartheid nog zou durven relativeren, alvast niet in een respectabele krant. De kwestie Palestina is van die orde, maar spijtig genoeg nog niet vandaag.

    ‘Beautiful’ dinosaur tail found preserved in amber – BBC News
    The tail of a feathered dinosaur has been found perfectly preserved in amber from Myanmar. The one-of-a-kind discovery helps put flesh on the bones of these extinct creatures, opening a new window on the biology of a group that dominated Earth for more than 160 million years. Examination of the specimen suggests the tail was chestnut brown on top and white on its underside.

    Studio 100-topman Hans Bourlon eist excuses van Greenpeace n… – Het Nieuwsblad
    Ding ding ding! De nagel op de kop: “De vergelijking tussen vlees eten en roken is ook buiten proportie”, vervolgt Bourlon. “En waarom viseren ze Maya? Maya rookt niet, want dat is schadelijk, kankerverwekkend. Waarom viseren ze een Vlaams bedrijf en bijvoorbeeld niet Mickey Mouse? Hebben ze schrik dat ze dan wel juridisch aangevallen zullen worden en alle hoeken van de kamer te zien zullen krijgen?”


  • Beneden alle peil

    Er is inflatie van verontwaardiging. “De schaamte voorbij”, “onbevattelijk”, “veruit het laagste dat ik ooit meemaakte” — een mens kan bezig blijven.

    Ik post nog maar eens deze.


  • Song of Ice and Fire

    Ik denk dat het voorzien was voor volgende week, of misschien de week erna, dat The Winds of Winter uit ging komen, juist?

    In ieder geval: ik zit aan boek drie, voor de ikweetniethoveelste keer. Maar deze keer is het per audioboek in plaats van op papier of op Kindle, en hey: hard aangeraden.

    Akkoord, Roy Dotrice en zijn vreemde manier van sommige namen uit te spreken is, erm, gewoon worden (Brienne > Bry-ene, Petyr > Puh-tire, brrr), net als de vreemde keuzes van stem en accent (Dothraki klinken allemaal zwakzinnig, Jamie Lannister klinkt als een geaffecteerde Jeeves, maar zijn broer Tyrion klinkt zo Welsh als maar kan zijn).

    Maar voor de rest: luisteren naar zo’n verhaal heeft redelijk veel toegevoegde waarde, en niet diagonaal kunnen lezen is we hel allerbelangrijkste. Ik luister nu naar elke zin van elke pagina, in plaats van heelder stukken te skippen. En in de stukken die ik zou overslaan, staan vaak de meest interessante dingen.


    Boek drie dus, nu. En dan volgende week, of ten laatste volgende maand, The Winds of Winter.


  • Game of Bones explained!

    Een jaar oud, maar nog altijd de moeite waard:


  • Meezingen

    Is er iets schaamlijker dan uit volle borst meezingen met iets, en eigenlijk niet weten wat ge aan het zingen zijt, en of het wel allemaal juist is?

    Dat was, lieve kijkbuiskinderen, ons lot, in de jaren 70 en 80, toen er nog geen interwebs was.

    Uren met een cassetterecorder luisteren naar nummers en proberen de tekst te ontcijferen, om toch niet in affronten te vallen. Uren: een opdracht voor Engels kon toen nog zo eenvoudig zijn als “schrijf de tekst op van The Sound of Silence“, en daar was een mens een hele avond mee zoet.

    In het slechtste geval leidde dat dan tot “aserejĂ© ja de je de jebe tu de jebere seibiunouva majavi an de bugui an de gĂŒididĂ­pi” in de plaats van “I said a hip hop
    Hippie to the hippie / The hip, hip a hop, and you don’t stop, a rock it out / Bubba to the bang bang boogie, boobie to the boogie / To the rhythm of the boogie the beat”. In het beste geval waren het flarden woorden waar iedereen zeker van was en dan een gĂȘnante “hmm mmm” op de rest van de woorden.

    Zoals La musique dans la peau, van Zouk Machine. Even na elkaar wat iedereen in koor kon meezingen:

    La musique dans la peau!
    …. missiĂ© bobo

    … maldon
    nettoyer, balayer, astiquer

    … en chantant

    mĂȘme si on fait en … solo
    bien des fois… improvisĂ©
    et fait … bougĂ©

    Zo een goed nummer, maar zĂł een onmogelijke tekst! Halve woorden die begrijpbaar zijn, maar zelfs al zit er veel Frans in Creools, het is geen Frans.

    Leve tinternet!

    Ka sa yé misyé bobo
    Fo pa’w konprann bibi sĂ© on kouyĂČn
    Si tout lĂš mwen o founo
    Fo’w atann vou on jou kĂ© ni maldĂČn
    Nétwayé, baléyé, astiké
    Kaz la toujou penpan
    Ba’w manjĂ©, ba’w lanmou
    É pou vou an ka fùy an chantan
    Eh ben monsieur bobo
    Ne prends pas bibi pour une imbécile
    Si je suis tout le temps aux fourneaux
    Attends-toi Ă  ce qu’il y ait maldonne un jour
    Nettoyer, balayer, astiquer
    La maison est toujours propre
    Je te fais Ă  manger, je te donne de l’amour
    Et pour toi je le fais en chantant
    Ka sa yé misyé bobo
    Pa mandĂ© bibi rĂ©tĂ© kon madĂČn
    Menm si an fĂš on ti solo
    Ou sav kĂ© sĂ© toujou vou ka kontrĂČl
    Byen dé fwa, an té vlé, enprovizé
    É fĂ© on ti boujĂ©
    An kaz la, ka rété
    Ka santi mwen kon si an prizonyé
    Eh ben “monsieur bobo”
    Ne demande pas Ă  “bibi” de rester comme une madonne
    MĂȘme si je fais un petit solo
    Tu sais bien que c’est toujours toi qui gardes le contrĂŽle
    Souvent, j’ai voulu improviser
    Et sortir un peu
    Je reste Ă  la maison
    Et je me sens emprisonnée
    Ha… Pa mĂ©lĂ© mwen kon sa kĂ© ni maldĂČn
    Han, han, pa fĂš mwenyi, pa fĂš mwen’y woho
    Si’w vlĂ© ke pou nou dĂ© sa kontinuĂ©
    Ban fil pou mwen pé boujé
    Ne me bloque pas comme ça ou sinon il y aura maldonne<
    Ne me la fais pas Ne me la fais pas
    Si tu veux que ça continue entre nous
    RelĂąche la corde pour que je puisse bouger
    Ka sa yé misyé bobo
    Hum, bibi enmé mizik ki chébran
    Lazé, K7 vidéo
    Ka méné, mwen lwen pou on ti moman
    Nétwayé, baléyé, astiké
    Kaz la toujou pendan
    Ba’w manjĂ©, ba’w lanmou
    É pou vou an ka fùy an chantan
    Eh ben “monsieur bobo”
    Bibi aime la musique “branchĂ©”
    Les CDs, les cassettes vidéo
    Me permettent de m’Ă©vader pendant quelques instants
    Nettoyer, balayer, astiquer
    La maison est toujours propre
    Je te fais Ă  manger, je te donne de l’amour
    E pou vous an ka fey an chantant
    Et pour toi je le fais en chantant


  • Links van 20 mei 2018 tot 21 mei 2018

    Gell-Mann amnesia effect – Wikiwand
    the Gell-Mann amnesia effect labels a commonly observed problem in modern media,[2] where one will believe everything they read from a journalist even after they come across an article about something they know well that is completely incorrect

    Tim Harford — Article — Statistics, Fast and Slow
    One way to understand China is to look at the statistics. Real income per person has increased nearly tenfold since 1990. Since the early 1980s, the number of extremely poor people in China has fallen by more than three-quarters of a billion people, more than half the population of the country. China consumed more cement in a recent three-year period than the US used in the entire 20th century. Even on paper, it is the most dramatic explosion of economic activity in human history. Seeing it with your own eyes is another experience entirely.

    Acephalic Agile—worse than Waterfall? – Oliver Wyman Labs: Technical
    At least in Waterfall if you did a good job of designing the project, and if you stuck to the spirit of the method, you were to some extent insulated from management noise and ‘dreck effekt’. But the outcome in a badly governed Agile project is that each iteration takes us further off course. Or at least it doesn’t (‘asymptotically’) converge on the right outcome as it should. The result can be even worse than a badly planned Waterfall project, and with more late nights worked along the way. The pain coefficient at the project’s end can also be greater than with the Waterfall. Here it is that Agile can actually be worse than Waterfall.

    How many people with disabilities did you have test the design before you let people try it out? : beta
    I am curious about whether or not you guys even bothered talking to a single person who uses a screen reader/has vision loss or poor vision/ or is totally blind? What about people who can't use a mouse? If you did, can you explain the process by making things hard to access with keyboard, totally unavailable to access with a keyboard, and why you made certain decisions to make things harder to see? EDIT: Reddit has responded with the following, which answers my question with a "None."

    Time to ditch Wikipedia?
    As an active editor for almost 15 years, Cross is very familiar with some of the more arcane Wikipedia rules and guidelines (along with their obscure acronyms) and uses them to justify removing information he dislikes in favour of his own inclusions. Often in a very subtle manner and over a long period of time. Anyone familiar with the work of the people he targets will recognise how one-sided and distorted those entries become.


  • Ongelooflijke vakmensen

    Het waren hoogdagen op Youtube gisteren en eergisteren!

    Twee volledig verschillende video’s, maar alletwee verplicht kijkvoer en on-ge-loof-lijk.

    Om te beginnen, Clickspring’s denk ik meest indrukwekkende tot nog toe:

    En op een andere manier even indrukwekkend, Project Binky:


  • prompt $p$g

    …dat was het allereerste dat elk rechtgeaard mens deed als hij een PC in gang had gezet, lang geleden.

    De prompt veranderen van de default “schijfletter + groterdanteken” naar “pad + groterdanteken”.

    Ik weet nog als de dag van gisteren hoe ik ontdekte dat ANSI escape codes een ding waren, ergens achteraan in een BYTE, en dat het mogelijk was om vanalles te tekenen in de buurt van uw prompt.


    …en dat was allemaal wel eventjes leutig, maar uiteindelijk ging een mens toch altijd terug naar gewoon standaard prompt $p$g, want waar dienen die kleuren eigenlijk voor?

    Maar! Tegenwoordig is het weer aan de orde! En met een zekere nuttigheid, zelfs!



    Dat is achtereenvolgens:

    • net ingelogd, met mijn usernaam (mvuijlst) en het pad waar ik zit (~) — de usernaam is nuttig wegens dat ik niet altijd met dezelfde user op dezelfde machine zit
    • een virtual environment activeren (refuinterim) en naar een subdirectory gaan (~/refuinterim.be)
    • daar naar nog een subdirectory gaan (~/refuinterim/refint), en meteen te weten komen dat daar een git repository in staat en dat ik in de master branch zit.

    Niet zeer flashy, wel een groot gemak. En jawel, dat werkt ook gewoon met diezelfde ANSI sequences als 35 jaar geleden.

    De kleine dingen het leven, joechei.


  • GDPR-paniekmodus aan

    Ze weten het zelf:

    “By now, you’ve probably read dozens of emails exactly like this one, so we’ll keep it brief like shorts.” “You’re probably tired of all the privacy policy update emails that companies are sending out this month.” “You’ve probably received a few of these types of emails lately”

    … en dan verder gaan met variaties op

    “apologies for this, but to help comply with GDPR consent requirements we need to confirm your data and consent.” “We look forward to continuing to be part of your business.” “We need your permission to keep sharing this great content.”

    Mijn maildoos zit stekevol met boodschappen van mensen en bedrijven in verschillende stadia van paniek, ofdat ik toch alstublieft niet expliciet mijn consent wil geven pretty please.

    Neen, dus. Ik heb aan welgeteld Ă©Ă©n bedrijf een consent gegeven: Small Town Heroes. Omdat Hendrik het zo vriendelijk vroeg.

    En voor al de andere wacht ik af. Eens zien hoeveel bedrijven ik een boze mail ga mogen sturen eind mei.


  • Links van 16 mei 2018 tot 18 mei 2018

    Total set to pull out of Iran gas deal without sanctions waiver – BBC News
    Slecht nieuws: “French energy giant Total is preparing to pull out of a billion dollar gas project in Iran in the face of renewed US sanctions. Total said it will unwind operations by November unless sanctions are waived.” 🙁

    3D printed tourniquet: Day 2 of Gaza field trials ends badly (May 14)
    Despite our efforts to clearly identify ourselves as first responders, several of our medical team were wounded by Israeli live fire. One paramedic, Musa Abuhassanin, was killed while attempting a victim rescue under fire. One hour before he was shot in the thorax and killed, Musa was one of my rescuers when I was shot by live ammunition. I sustained a moderate injury to my left leg and a minor one to the right leg. Musa was also the paramedic who discovered and reported the failed buckle in our previous report. He had a great laugh and was a good paramedic.

    Tex, le dĂ©zamour – Culture / Next
    «Les gars, vous savez ce qu’on dit Ă  une femme qui a dĂ©jĂ  les deux yeux au beurre noir ? On lui dit plus rien, on vient dĂ©jĂ  de lui expliquer deux fois !»

    The Language of the Roman Empire | History Today
    Latin was used throughout the Roman Empire, but it shared space with a host of other languages and dialects, including Greek, Oscan and Etruscan, which give us a unique perspective on the ancient world.

    How Fortnite Captured Teens’ Hearts and Minds | The New Yorker
    The craze for the third-person shooter game has elements of Beatlemania, the opioid crisis, and eating Tide Pods.


  • Links van 25 maart 2018 tot 15 mei 2018

    Drupal takes on risky admin interface renewal to catch up with WordPress | Drupal Shell
    It is sad to see that the gradual adoption plan was switched to chase down shiny technology, without good thought on the long term effects on the community. With the original monolithic model of Drupal, falling out of favour it no longer has the module moat it had to protect it will dry up. Soon there might be no particularly good reason to use Drupal, and it will be further entrenched in the Enterprise niche Acquia is chasing. If the brand won’t be too tarnished by security issues.

    Yep, That $500 M from China to Trump Project Looks Like a Pretty Big Deal – Talking Points Memo
    You probably saw the news yesterday that just days before President Trump tweeted that he was intent on saving that sanctions-busting Chinese telecommunications company, China had agreed to loan $500 million to a major Trump-backed development in Indonesia. These kinds of situations are now basically commonplace in the Trump Era. But it is important to look at them from a macro- and a micro-perspective. The details are quite complex in the latter case. We are still digging into them. But I wanted to give you a first sense of what we’re finding, because they make Trump’s connection to the operation and potential profits look considerably tighter than what I’d been led to expect yesterday from early reports.

    Why I Love the GDPR: 10 Reasons – TeachPrivacy
    In the United States, a common refrain about GDPR is that it is unreasonable, unworkable, an insane piece of legislation that doesn’t understand how the Internet works, and a dinosaur romping around in the Digital Age. But the GDPR isn’t designed to be followed as precisely as one would build a rocket ship. It’s an aspirational law.  Although perfect compliance isn’t likely, the practical goal of the GDPR is for organizations to try hard, to get as much of the way there as possible. The GDPR is the most profound privacy law of our generation.  Of course, it’s not perfect, but it has more packed into it than any other privacy law I’ve seen. The GDPR is quite majestic in its scope and ambition.  Rather than shy away from tough issues, rather than tiptoe cautiously, the GDPR tackles nearly everything. Here are 10 reasons why I love the GDPR

    Waarom boycot IsraĂ«l (BDS) een morele plicht is – DeWereldMorgen.be
    Een recent rapport van een VN Commissie over de behandeling van het Palestijnse volk door IsraĂ«l Staat concludeert dat “het beschikbare bewijsmateriaal buiten iedere redelijke twijfel aantoont dat IsraĂ«l zich schuldig maakt aan … de misdaad van apartheid”. Civiele samenleving en burgers hebben daarbij als “een morele plicht” er bij middel van boycot (BDS) toe bij te dragen dat er een einde komt aan dat IsraĂ«lische apartheidsregime.

    Doc Searls Weblog · GDPR will pop the adtech bubble
    Adtech relies on misdirection. See, adtech looks like advertising, and is called advertising; but it’s really direct marketing, which is descended from junk mail and a cousin of spam. Because of that misdirection, brands think they’re placing ads in media, while the systems they hire are actually chasing eyeballs to anywhere. (Pro tip: if somebody says every ad needs to “perform,” or that the purpose of advertising is “to get the right message to the right person at the right time,” they’re actually talking about direct marketing, not advertising.)

    A surprising bullying battleground: Senior centers – San Francisco Chronicle
    Mensen zijn universeel altijd en overal klootzakken: “The unwanted were turned away from cafeteria tables. Fistfights broke out at karaoke. Dances became breeding grounds for gossip and cruelty. It became clear this place had a bullying problem on its hands. What many found surprising was that the perpetrators and victims alike were all senior citizens. MOST POPULAR A surprising bullying battleground: Senior centers Editorial: The Bay Area’s housing crisis has become an emergency Trump is more popular than Dems want to admit Practice wars shaped Kevin Durant, James Harden into MVP-type players SF’s legacy restaurants hang on amid changing tastes California motorists can get slammed twice in hit-and-run accidents Stephen Curry vs. Chris Paul: A rivalry renewed Nursing homes, senior centers and housing complexes for the elderly have introduced programs, training and policies aimed at curbing spates of bullying, an issue once thought the exclusive domain of the young.”

    (703) Introducing Visual Studio Live Share – YouTube

    Index of /L2/L2017
    Unicode-voorstellen. Wonderlijk wijs.

    Digital Photocopiers Loaded With Secrets – CBS News
    Nearly every digital copier built since 2002 contains a hard drive – like the one on your personal computer – storing an image of every document copied, scanned, or emailed by the machine. In the process, it’s turned an office staple into a digital time-bomb packed with highly-personal or sensitive data. If you’re in the identity theft business it seems this would be a pot of gold. “The type of information we see on these machines with the social security numbers, birth certificates, bank records, income tax forms,” John Juntunen said, “that information would be very valuable.” Buffalo Reacts to CBS News Investigation

    Troye Sivan Is a New Kind of Pop Star: Here, Queer and Used to It – The New York Times
    The 22-year-old singer is climbing the charts while demonstrating how his sexual orientation is both part of his art and beside the point.

    The shocking story of Israel’s disappeared babies | Israel News | Al Jazeera
    This was a crime perpetrated against thousands of parents, who still don’t know the truth about their children’s fate.

    Radio Garden Live
    radio van over heel de wereld!

    Pink Trombone

    Fonts for Complex Data | News, Notes & Observations | Hoefler & Co.
    Retail displays, packaged goods, financial reports and apps all present readers with a dizzying array of data. Here are a few ways to make quick work of their long lists, tiny annotations, and mighty stacks of numbers.

    104-year-old David Goodall’s journey to Switzerland for voluntary euthanasia – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
    Dr David Goodall’s life has been one of teaching, learning and discovery. Now the 104-year-old academic has departed on the last journey he will ever make.

    43-year-old Australian trapdoor spider was world’s oldest known spider – The Washington Post
    This is the story of the oldest known spider in the world and the people who knew her. The details are compiled largely from research conducted by Barbara Main and Leanda Mason, who knew her best over nearly half a century.

    Library Genesis: David Gerard – Attack of the 50 Foot Blockchain: Bitcoin, Blockchain, Ethereum & Smart Contracts
    tl;dr “blockchain” anything is a boondoggle at best and horribly
    damaging at worst, and you really don’t want to go near this actively
    terrible rubbish.

    How to Collaborate When You Don’t Have Consensus
    When people have fundamental disagreements, they can’t articulate their mutual interests harmoniously. Getting them to agree isn’t a realistic option. Only a few choices are available. You can try to force the issue (and face the repercussions of a backlash); you can try to adapt to the unacceptable situation as it is; or you can try to exit from the situation altogether. If those paths aren’t feasible, only one alternative remains: to find a way to collaborate despite disagreement.

    banzaipanda comments on Doctors/nurses/redditors, what has been your most gory, disgusting or worst medical experience?
    He was performing surgery in the swamps of Dagobah, except the swamps had just come out of this woman’s ass and there was no Yoda.

    The Meanest Things Vladimir Nabokov Said About Other Writers | Literary Hub
    Vladimir Nabokov was an unusually opinionated man—particularly when it came to literature. His own, primarily—when asked about the function of his editor, he sniffed, “By ‘editor’ I suppose you mean proofreader”—but as a close second (what else could it be): everybody else’s. In interviews, he seemed to delight in airing his grievances about other writers’ work, especially when he considered them unfairly beloved by the public.

    Why programmers are not paid in proportion to their productivity
    The most productive programmers are orders of magnitude more productive than average programmers. But salaries usually fall within a fairly small range in any company. Even across the entire profession, salaries don’t vary that much. If some programmers are 10x more productive than others, why aren’t they paid 10x as much?

    Peter Dedecker toch kandidaat op Gentse N-VA-lijst (Gent) – De Standaard
    Humor. Dedecker, die eind vorig jaar het einde van zijn politieke loopbaan aankondigde, staat op de N-VA-lijst in Gent. Hij zal na de verkiezingen geen mandaat opnemen. De partij spreekt van een ‘frisse wind’ op de lijst.

    “En dan nu keihard werken” | Gent | Regio | HLN
    Integreren in een totaal nieuw land, in een totaal nieuwe cultuur. Het kan, en Abdo Khawas (28) is er het levende bewijs van. Amper twee jaar (!) nadat hij in ons land aankwam als vluchteling uit Gaza, heeft Abdo zijn eigen kapsalon, vlak bij de Heuvelpoort, waar hij zijn klanten in het Nederlands bedient. “En over een jaar of vijf ga ik weer psychologie studeren”, zegt hij.

    The Way of Testivus – Unit Testing Wisdom From An Ancient Software Start-up
    Some good advice on developer and unit testing, packaged as cryptic bits of ancient Eastern wisdom in the hope of getting your attention.

    I miss Windows Phone – The Verge
    I recently switched on an old Windows Phone to create a silly April Fools’ joke about returning to using it as my daily device, and then it hit me: I really miss Windows Phone.

    Israel is the terrorist – Opinion – Israel News | Haaretz.com
    That’s the reality there, and it’s one of state-sponsored terror, the State of Israel. Because what is land confiscation on a huge scale, what are restrictions on freedom of movement, and with it freedom of employment and commerce, home demolitions, the imposition of curfews and closures, the building of innumerable fences and walls and the deployment of military forces armed to the teeth, in the heart of a Palestinian civilian population, in order to protect an Israeli civilian population that settled among it by force – what are all these if not terror, in other words, a war against unarmed citizens?

    Network of fortified towns indicates Amazon was once heavily populated | Ars Technica
    Today we think of the Amazon as a pristine rainforest, sparsely populated by indigenous communities. But in records from the 1500s, Spanish colonizers describe a densely populated region, crisscrossed by canals and sunken roads and dotted with bustling, fortified towns. Unfortunately, fortification couldn’t protect the towns’ inhabitants against European diseases, which devastated South American indigenous populations and left the fortified villages abandoned.

    “Future Language for Collaborative Design” (PUARL2016)

    Pastor who starved toddler to death to exorcise demon gets 99 years in prison | Courts | Dallas News
    Videos captured the hours-long resurrection ceremony Meza led after Benjamin died on March 22, 2015. In the video, the boy is frail, nothing but skin and bones. His clothes hang from his lifeless body.  Weeks before his death, Meza had ordered that food be withheld from Benjamin for 21 days because she believed he was possessed by the “demon of manipulation.”


  • Microsoft Surface Hub 2

    Ik heb het plezier van tijd tot tijd eens met Surface Hubs te kunnen werken, en serieus: dat zijn machtige toestellen.

    Beeld u in: een Microsoft Surface, maar dan enorm groot. Waar ge met veel man tegelijkertijd op kunt tekenen. Met meer dan fantastische videoconferentiedinges.

    Die met Ă©Ă©n klik kunnen gecontroleerd worden vanop uw eigen computer, of waarmee ge uw eigen computer kunt controleren: ik heb iets staan, ik toon dat op de Surface Hub, ik teken op mijn eigen scherm en dat komt op de Hub, tegelijkertijd tekenen twee mensen met een stylus en twee andere met hun vingers en dat komt ook op mijn computer te staan. Ogenblikkelijk. Seamless.

    Kijk nu: er komt een nieuwe versie aan!


    (Ja, het zijn enorm dure toestellen.)


  • Bimbam de klokken!

    Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is hernieuwd!

    One down, one to go:
