Arcade Improv: Humans Pretending to Be Videogames –
Instantly, Mike and Jerry understood, along with everyone in the audience born before 1978.
Catherine Young & Family, Page One
A family working in the Tifton (Ga.) Cotton Mill. Mrs. A.J. Young works in mill and at home. Nell (oldest girl) alternates in mill with mother. Mammy (next girl) runs 2 sides. Mary (next) runs 1 1/2 sides. Elic (oldest boy) works regularly. Eddie (next girl) helps in mill, sticks on bobbins. Four smallest children not working yet. The mother said she earns $4.50 a week and all the children earn $4.50 a week. Husband died and left her with 11 children. 2 of them went off and got married. The family left the farm 2 years ago to work in the mill. January 22, 1909. Location: Tifton, Georgia. Photo by Lewis Hine.
Sass – Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets
Sass makes CSS fun again. Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It’s translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a web-framework plugin.
Memoires of a Heroinhead
It was over a year that I had been in France. I had gotten clean and then gotten dirty again. So it was good news one day when my mother phoned.
“Shane, there's a little surprise coming over your way! That fucking Irish John has just been around here, bought me two rocks of white and left twenty five quid to get you three of choice and post over. And you ya little bastard, you never told me he 'ad AIDS! An I've been sharing my fuckin' crackpipe with 'im!”
SFE: Science Fiction Encyclopedia
Welcome to the beta text of the third edition of The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Some sample entries are below. Alternatively, you can browse the Encyclopedia through the search box above or the categories in the grey bar above.
Paris Review – The Grand Map, Avi Steinberg
“And then came the grandest idea of all! We actually made a map of the country, on the scale of a mile to the mile!”
“Have you used it much?” I enquired.
“It has never been spread out, yet,” said Mein Herr. “The farmers objected: they said it would cover the whole country, and shut out the sunlight! So we now use the country itself, as its own map, and I assure you it does nearly as well.”
Final report of the commercial starship Nostromo, third officer reporting. | MetaFilter
The Nostromo model from the first Alien movie sat outside in the rain for over two decades before it was bought by The Prop Store in 2007. They sent it to Grant McCune Design to restore it to its previous glory.
GROGNARDIA: Retrospective: Barbarian Prince
If you're the least bit curious about Barbarian Prince, you can download a legal copy for free here.
Nate Hallinan Portfolio
The Smurf is actually the result of a symbiotic relationship
between two organisms. We believe that Smurfs put their
'embryos' in the button of a developing mushroom. From a
distance, Smurfs seem like they are wearing a hat and pants
but as you can see this is a fallacy. The fungus provides
camouflage and protective epidermal layers for the creature,
while the creature provides nutrients and mobility for the
spreading of spores.
Research:Wikimedia Summer of Research 2011/Summary of Findings – Meta
This is the summary of findings from the Wikimedia Foundation Summer of Research, a program in the Foundation's Community Department which brought together eight academic researchers from around the globe to study the dynamics of the Wikipedia editing community.
How Star Wars Should Have Ended: Reflections on Taste, The Expanded Universe & Radical Politics « Human Iterations
Basically a totalitarian Empire makes sense, a rotting and unsustainable Republic makes sense, a teemingly complex anarchic and increasingly more nomadic post-collapse culture also makes sense. But a more or less decent galactic-sized democracy instantly formed and accepted out of the goodness of all the Rebel’s hearts? Totally unbelievable. And basically a stubborn Liberal lack of imagination.
Main § Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilization
The Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilization (DARMC) makes freely available on the internet the best available materials for a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) approach to mapping and spatial analysis of the Roman and medieval worlds. DARMC allows innovative spatial and temporal analyses of all aspects of the civilizations of western Eurasia in the first 1500 years of our era, as well as the generation of original maps illustrating differing aspects of ancient and medieval civilization.
Hugo Blogging – Connie Willis May Be The Worst Writer In Existence « Sci-Ence! Justice Leak!
"I have now discovered a way to produce a masterpiece. Just read Blackout/All Clear by Connie Willis, do the exact opposite of what she does, and you will have the greatest work in the history of English literature." (Come come now – surely it can't be much worse than Dan Brown?)
The sad, sad demise of Greenpeace | COSMOS magazine
GREENPEACE WAS ONCE a friend of science, helping bring attention to important but ignored environmental research. These days, it’s a ratbag rabble of intellectual cowards intent on peddling an agenda, whatever the scientific evidence.
The 1140px Grid · Fluid down to mobile
The 1140 grid fits perfectly into a 1280 monitor. On smaller monitors it becomes fluid and adapts to the width of the browser.
A cherry picking tale, and an update on spinal manipulation science « Alternative Medicine « Health « Skeptic North
Spinal manipulative therapy (SMT) has long enjoyed a solid reputation for the treatment of so-called “mechanical” low back pain, and is widely used by physical therapists as well as chiropractors. Even skeptics tend to give it a pass, regarding it as the one thing chiropractors offer that we don’t really have a complaint with, much the way we used to think maybe acupuncture had something going for it, until better evidence crushed our optimism. For instance, just recently Dr. David Gorski — as tough-minded a quackery critic as they come — casually mentioned that “no one argues that … manipulative therapies can’t help back pain.” Actually, skeptics who’ve been following the SMT science are now arguing exactly that.
Historical Meet-Ups – Samuel Beckett Playwright, novelist, and Nobel…
The price of ebooks –
Think the book industry learned from the mistakes the music and film industry made?
Guess again.
They are quickly heading to the top of the charts of sheer stupidity. And what they don't realise is that, unlike the movie industry and—though to a somewhat lesser extent— the music industry, they have even less of a legitimate ‘raison d'être’ than their counterparts in those industries.
Gigawatt {The Illuminated Mixtapes}
Gelijk een statische versie van en door echte mensen gedaan.
Villa La Vigie – Koksijde – Bezoeker
Na de oorlog werden de twee bunkers ontdaan van alle uitrusting en rails. De twee bouwwerken fungeerden een tijdje als toeristische bezienswaardigheid. Begin de jaren '20 werd één van de bunkers afgebroken. Rond 1923 kreeg aannemer Remi Rys uit Koksijde de opdracht om boven de resterende bunker een villa te bouwen en de bestaande oorlogsconstructie te integreren in het nieuwe project.
Lernert & Sander: Natural Beauty – NOWNESS
Mission Statement: We wanted to apply 365 layers of makeup in one day to see how much is needed to go from a natural look to an outrageous one.
A celebration of the writing and art of Mervyn Peake | Books | The Guardian
Mervyn Peake, creator of Gormenghast, is now recognised as a brilliant novelist and artist. Michael Moorcock, China Miéville, Hilary Spurling and AL Kennedy celebrate his achievements
Extinguishing and Understand Barking Dog Behavior
If your dog barks and you yell at him to shut up, you are reinforcing the barking.
Top 5 Ways to Build a WordPress Site that’s Easy for Your Clients
Here are our top 5 tips for simplifying the WordPress back end so that your clients will find it much easier to use, and you will find it much easier to teach them how to use it!
Restoring a Photograph from the 1870sTop Dog Imaging
"From here, I began the laborious process of restoration, which involved a prodigious amount of retouching. The process took about four hours." Of hoe een mens een uitgebreide post kan schrijven met veel beeldjes erbij, en op Kottke vermeld worden en alles — met rotslecht werk.
Dissecting an Episode of MythBusters
27% of the time is spent watching advertising.
Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking
"The most important book in the culinary arts since Escoffier" — Modernist Cuisine is a six-volume, 2,438-page set that is destined to reinvent cooking. The lavishly illustrated books use thousands of original images to make the science and technology clear and engaging.
How Apple re-cut Final Cut Pro for the better | Video | Creative Notes | Macworld
It's not dumbing down, it's targeting
Jennifer Pournelle’s The Mote in God’s Eye sequel actually looks interesting | Wis[s]e Words
Intriguing — de dochter van de meneer van Chaos Manor schrijft een vervolg: "Sequels written to well loved science fiction classics by the children of the original writer never turn out right therefore you can safely ignore them. It’s a rule that saved me a lot of frustration, but I think I might break it for Jennifer Pournelle’s Outies, a sequel to her father’s and Larry Niven’s The Mote in God’s Eye. "
Zo, dat zijn veel vissen! ::
Bloody hel. Scary! "Sinds enige tijd hebben Amerikaanse wateren, met name de Mississippi en haar aftakkingen, bezoek van de Aziatische karper. In 2010 begon dat bezoek onaangenaam te worden."
My Opposition – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
After the war many Germans would insist they knew nothing at all about The Holocaust. More recently, Holocaust deniers have questioned the extent, and even the existence of the Holocaust. Friedrich Kellner's diary counters such suggestions.
Fietsherstel Aan Huis | omdat service belangrijk is !
Heeft uw fiets een lekke band, is de verlichting defect, of heeft uw fiets andere gebreken?
U kocht uw fiets in een grootwarenhuis, waar geen herstellingen mogelijk zijn?
U heeft een tandem, bakfiets, elektrische of andere fiets met extreme afmetingen?
Wilt u geen beschadigingen meer aan de kofferbak van de auto?
Dan kunt u gebruik maken van een unieke service: wij komen uw fiets bij u herstellen.
N Korean children begging, army starving: exclusive – ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Footage shot inside North Korea and obtained by the ABC has revealed the extent of chronic food shortages and malnutrition inside the secretive state.
History Cookbook – Cookit!
Welcome to the history cookbook. Do you know what the Vikings ate for dinner? What a typical meal of a wealthy family in Roman Britain consisted of, or what food was like in a Victorian Workhouse? Why not drop into history cookbook and find out? This project looks at the food of the past and how this influenced the health of the people living in each time period. You can also try some of the recipes for yourself. We have a wide range of historical recipes from Brown Bread Ice Cream to Gruel (Why not see if you would be asking for more – just like Oliver Twist).
Dear Emma B : Pharyngula
Schoon — The question you can always ask is, "How do you know that?"
Everything You Think You Know About the Collapse of the Soviet Union Is Wrong – By Leon Aron | Foreign Policy
Every revolution is a surprise. Still, the latest Russian Revolution must be counted among the greatest of surprises. In the years leading up to 1991, virtually no Western expert, scholar, official, or politician foresaw the impending collapse of the Soviet Union, and with it one-party dictatorship, the state-owned economy, and the Kremlin's control over its domestic and Eastern European empires. Neither, with one exception, did Soviet dissidents nor, judging by their memoirs, future revolutionaries themselves. When Mikhail Gorbachev became general secretary of the Communist Party in March 1985, none of his contemporaries anticipated a revolutionary crisis. Although there were disagreements over the size and depth of the Soviet system's problems, no one thought them to be life-threatening, at least not anytime soon.
the A.I. is a lie » #AltDevBlogADay
I can tell you right now there is no I in A.I., and nor should there be.
Arrested Westeros
What happens when Game of Thrones meets Arrested Development.
Verdediging Belfortploeg zaterdag 18 juni | Belfort ploeg
Ik zou bijna sympathie krijgen voor Francis Van den Eynde c.s.
Hot Dudes with Kittens from Funny Or Die, Sam Trammell, Romany Malco, Sean Carrigan, Mark Valley, Matt Dallas, Tanc Sade, Matt Lanter, Ryan Eggold, Chad Faust, ellhoof, and Shauna O’Toole
Who doesn't love hot men holding cats and kittens? Oh you don't? Too bad, this one is… for the ladies.
GET LAMP: John Romero Interview : Jason Scott : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
Romero's path crossed with Infocom's in the late 1980s; while working for a company he co-founded called Ideas From the Deep, he wrote an operating system for the Apple II that was used in the last round of Infocom games: Journey, Shogun, Zork Zero, and Arthur. He didn't get to meet anybody but he was proud of his contribution and offered to be interviewed.
bradley’s almanac – the sims torture test (a mirror site)
I guess people actually play this game to make their little sims happy. I'll admit that i did that for awhile, but to be honest, it just got boring. So of course I reverted to my typical gaming pattern of torturing innocents to death.
Coilhouse » Blog Archive » Resonance: Where Sound Meets Geometry
In this 11-minute clip, a group of over 30 animators and sound artists teamed up to create short pieces between 12 and 20 seconds with the aim to ”explore the relationship between geometry and audio in unique ways.”
YouTube – Prora-Das erste KdF bad
Kraft durch Freude.
CK01 Standard/Honors Chemistry Kit – Home
Droool. Ik zou mijn linkerarm gegeven hebben voor zoiets als ik klein was: "Because chemistry is widely considered to be the most difficult lab course to do well—particularly on a tight budget—we offer the CK01 Standard/Honors Home School Chemistry Laboratory Kit. It provides a comprehensive, rigorous laboratory component for a first-year high school chemistry course, and does so affordably. With the exception of standard household items (such as table salt, sugar, vinegar, aluminum foil, foam cups, and so on) and other minor items that are readily available locally, the kit contains all of the special equipment and chemicals you'll need for a complete chemistry lab course."
Michele Bachmann’s Holy War | Rolling Stone Politics
Bachmann lies because she can't help it, because it's a built-in component of both her genetics and her ideology. She is at once the most entertaining and the most dangerous kind of liar, a turbocharged cross between a born bullshit artist and a religious fanatic, for whom lying to the infidel is a kind of holy duty.
What is International Baccalaureate?
Hierzie, dat ge 't weet: "IBO lumps Christianity … into the category of what it calls "fundamentalism" — along with the Taliban and various terrorist groups, saying that these "fundamentalist" groups are all "dangerous." It would be difficult to imagine a more clear, and repugnant, attack on Christianity." "While IBO undermines Christianity, it also advocates its own religion. IBO promotes the worldview of New Age-Pantheism guru William Butler Yeats … Another New Age leader, Joseph Campbell, is often required reading for IBO students. Like Yeats, Campbell aggressively promotes "inclusive" New Age-Pantheistic doctrines while undermining Christianity."
Er zijn toch rare mensen in de wereld.
Wikipedia talk:Dispute resolution – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Talk:Circumflex – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WHOEVER IS IN CHARGE HERE MUST IMMEDIATELY TRANSMIT THIS URGENT ESSENTIAL ERROR/FEIL TO GOOGLE-TRANSLATE, which I have just noticed myself today, 18, May, 2011, Anoo Domini, which is AN INEXCUSABLE ERROR, without PRECENT in ALL of the history I have used Google-translate for all sorts of purposes and reasons.